Becoming the Guide of the Mysophobic Villain? Absolutely Not! - Chapter 227
Had I missed Claude so much that I was seeing things?
Previously, I had mistaken Daniel’s back for Claude’s. So I thought I might be mistaken again.
Because there was no way he could be at the Center, right in front of me.
But it was too vivid to be an illusion. His distinctly masculine and refined features, the long lashes under which his clear red eyes lay, and the solid physique that couldn’t be hidden even under the dust-covered military uniform.
And the corner of his mouth curling up into a smile upon meeting my gaze.
The stern expression loosening into that crooked smile was so realistic it almost seemed unreal.
No matter how much I missed him, how could such a sight be an illusion?
While I was still confused, I heard him.
…Was I hearing things now? An auditory hallucination?
I was at a loss, frozen in place. My mind was full of question marks.
Claude chuckled as if he could hear my thoughts clearly. He straightened from the pillar he was leaning against and walked towards me slowly.
The crowd around us parted hesitantly, so it didn’t take long for him to reach me.
“Rose, I’ve come to pick you up.”
“Are you going to scold me for being late again?”
I was still bewildered. Was this real? Was I dreaming?
But before my mind could fully grasp the situation, my body moved on its own. By the time I realized it, I was already hugging him tightly.
Above my head, I heard his pleasant laughter. He bent down willingly to embrace me, his scent mingled with the strong smell of dirt.
It was only then that it began to feel real. That Claude had truly returned.
“How, how is this possible? Why are you back so soon?”
I looked up at him, still in his embrace, and asked. It felt too strange.
“Ah, well, maybe not so soon… I was supposed to come back around this time anyway, right? But everyone said you wouldn’t be back for a while…”
“I have to go back. The expedition has been extended to six months. I just came by to see you briefly.”
It was shocking news, leaving me no time to be happy.
My expression fell instantly, and Claude burst into laughter, having teased me.
Is this the time for jokes…?
Sensing my rising anger, Claude tightened his arms around me.
Then, in a gentle voice that could melt my heart, he whispered in my ear.
“I came quickly because I missed you.”
“Is that even possible?”
“I’ll always make it possible.”
He responded nonchalantly and lifted me up. Supporting me securely with one arm under my hips, it felt both new and familiar.
Finally, at a similar eye level, he grinned.
“So now, you should make some time for me.”
Make time for him?
…Of course!
“Let’s go home! Right now!”
I answered, grabbing onto his neck and hugging him tightly. Excitedly kicking my legs, I urged him, and once again, his pleasant laughter echoed in my ears.
That’s when I finally noticed the other Guides. They were all watching us as if we were monkeys in a zoo.
Especially Epine, who had been talking with me just moments ago, was staring at me as if I were a stranger.
It was a bit embarrassing for a moment…
But it quickly didn’t matter.
As long as I was happy, who cared?
* * *
Before we even made it inside the house, we were kissing. Impatient as always, I couldn’t wait and attacked him first.
As he opened the front door with one arm, I ended up biting his lips. Laughing as if I was impossible, he still managed to open the door with just one hand and get us inside.
He willingly let me kiss him as he crossed the hallway and into the living room.
But contrary to my expectations of starting a serious make-out session, Claude gently set me down on the sofa as soon as we reached the living room.
He even pried my arms off him, which were clinging to him like a lifeline.
Trying to resist with all my might, I stuck out my tongue in defiance, but it was useless. There was no way I could overpower him.
Ultimately, he stood up and left me sitting alone on the sofa.
Naturally, I was very displeased.
“What are you doing?”
I slapped the sofa in frustration, and Claude, like he was soothing a child, spoke to me.
“I need to shower first.”