Bound by a Ruthless Contract - Chapter 8
“I-I don’t use any.”
Really? Si-heon narrowed his brows.
“That can’t be possible.”
As he got closer to the woman, the fragrance intensified.
His head wasn’t just calm now – it was clear, and his unsettled stomach was settling down.
“I really don’t use any.”
After her initial surprise, the woman quickly composed herself and answered calmly, making Si-heon narrow his eyes.
“You must have mistaken me for someone else.”
“No. It’s definitely you.”
Ga-eun held her breath as she looked up at the man staring down at her.
Something about his direct gaze made her breath grow hot.
“You say you don’t wear perfume.”
“…That’s right.”
“Then what’s this scent?”
Si-heon leaned forward, bracing himself against the bar table, and lowered his head toward her neckline.
The elegant scent emanated from her long, white neck visible above her dress’s neckline.
“I’m not sure… Please, step back a bit.”
Ga-eun leaned backward. Si-heon unconsciously furrowed his brows.
He wanted to smell more of that fragrance.
Despite his frown, the man’s looks were so exceptional she couldn’t take her eyes off him.
Maybe a man like this would be suitable.
For her act of rebellion.
In a week, she’d have to go on an arranged marriage meeting with a divorced man old enough to be her father.
Before then, even if just once, she wanted to rebel.
She wanted to somehow betray her father and stepmother who said, ‘Your only redeeming qualities are your passable looks and being untouched by men.’
So Ga-eun was looking for a one-night partner.
Preferably someone she wouldn’t run into again, someone who seemed quite familiar with this sort of thing…
“I want to stay close to you.”
A man like this.
His rough aura, distinctly different from others here, drew her in.
With looks like his, surely he must be used to casually mingling with women.
It was prejudiced thinking, perhaps, but for this moment, Ga-eun hoped her prejudice would prove right.
Besides, if she was going to be intimate with someone, she at least wanted them to be her type looks-wise.
Well, what woman wouldn’t find this man attractive?
“Is this how you usually approach women?”
The woman’s voice resonated in Si-heon’s mind.
But strangely enough.
It wasn’t loud. Rather, he wanted to hear more of it.
“I wouldn’t know.”
“You wouldn’t know?”
“This is my first time approaching a woman.”
Ga-eun blinked at his words before breaking into a small smile.
“You’re lying.”
Si-heon furrowed his brows at the sudden tingling in his chest.
What was that just now?
“It’s not. A lie.”
“I’m not lying either. About not wearing perfume.”
The woman’s calm, quiet voice soothed his turbulent mind.
“Say something else. Anything.”
When she gave him a bewildered look, Si-heon found himself smirking involuntarily.
Something about her expression, as if she’d never seen anyone quite so peculiar, made him smile.
“Is this… I mean… are you hitting on me?”
“Think of it that way if you’d like.”
“Then… Can I ask you one thing?”
Si-heon nodded quickly.
He wanted her voice to continue without interruption.
“So… Do you want to sleep with me?”
He didn’t particularly want to.
He’d never felt that way about any woman.
He’d rather drink himself stupid without getting drunk, like pouring water into a bottomless jar, or work out his energy at construction sites or the gym.
But with this woman, his mind cleared. His head didn’t pound, and the ringing in his ears stopped.
The longer he stayed near her, the longer this pleasant state would last.
Perhaps that’s why he didn’t feel any aversion to her.
Having found his justification, Si-heon lazily curved his lips upward and nodded.
The hesitating woman then spoke in a small voice.
“Can you promise me something?”
The woman stood up.
She seemed momentarily taken aback by their height difference, which was greater than she’d expected, but soon rose slightly on her tiptoes and whispered.
“Can you make me forget everything?”
That hits hard.
Si-heon chuckled, lowering his head, and firmly grabbed her hand.
She stumbled with a small “ah,” steadying herself against his chest with both hands.
“I’ll make you forget everything but me.”