Even If Everyone Hates You - Chapter 9
For a long while, the navy blue banner adorned with a white wolf swayed in the fierce wind, until the procession of the Crown Prince began to come into view.
Leading the way were the royal knights, bearing flags emblazoned with the sun, followed by the knights of the Brosius family, who had been dispatched earlier to protect the procession.
After confirming the following banners, it became certain that Sjoerd’s memories and the current events were exactly the same. The Sildras, the guardian family of the south, could not attend this Origin Festival.
The Sildras family, relatives of the Queen and the only ally of Prince Reuschers, who received no other support, was not in a perfect alliance, as they prioritized the Empress’s second son, reluctantly protecting Prince Reuschers.
However, Zion Sildras, the next head of the family, had always stayed by Prince Reuschers’s side. His absence from this event was due to succession reasons.
The head of the family, who had been visibly ill for years, had died without surviving the winter. The issue of a noble house’s succession was of great importance in the kingdom, so the Sildras family was granted an exception to not attend this Origin Festival.
Then, events identical to his memories might indeed occur.
What Sjoerd had hesitated to fully believe as the past became clear today. With renewed certainty in how to act, he stepped out to greet the Crown Prince, who had arrived at the city gates.
As the royal carriage adorned with gold came to a stop, Sjoerd dismounted his horse. The knights who followed did the same, preparing to welcome the Crown Prince. As a knight opened the door of the carriage, a familiar face appeared.
“I greet Your Royal Highness Aster, light of the kingdom. May the blessings and glory of Solias be with you.”
Starting with Sjoerd, who bowed his head, the knights bowed deeply at ninety degree angles.
The customs of Solias were particularly lenient towards the Tudur, and as a Tudur was the current head of this household, he was only expected to show the minimal necessary courtesy to the royal family. Though nominally king and subject, this rule arose because they were essentially indispensable to each other.
“How have you been, my star?”
The Crown Prince, Aster, holding the knight’s hand as he stepped down, approached with a smile. His blond hair, billowing in the sharp wind, shone brilliantly like splintering sunlight. His blue eyes, as clear as the sky, sparkled as they looked at Sjoerd.
“Come closer and show me your face. I have missed you greatly.”
Following his command to dispense with formalities, Sjoerd lifted his head and approached him. Aster, looking at Sjoerd who had stopped in front of him, then removed his white leather gloves. With his bare hands, he grasped Sjoerd’s chin. The sharp jawline was enveloped by a gentle touch.
“Your face has grown thinner.”
With precise fingertips, he gently pressed the cheek, turning the chin to examine the face. Aster whispered,
“Your cheeks are very cold. Have you been waiting long?”
No sooner had the words left his lips than warmth spread from Aster’s hands. The touch that thawed the frozen cheeks was as kind and gentle as always, like when he had come to console him at his mother’s funeral, where no one else had appeared.
“…No, sire.”
Despite the brief and dry response, Aster smiled. He removed his other glove and thus enveloped Sjoerd’s cold cheeks with both his palms. A refreshing energy surged through the area Aster touched, quickly calming the chaos within the Tudur, who had been preparing for winter without a Guide.
With every cell remembering the ritual of purification, Sjoerd closed his mouth. So tender and caring was his liege, yet Aster was not there during the moment Sjoerd had gone on rampage.
Aster, who always calmed him, had been absent only on the day death came to him. Throughout the entire day’s rampage, he did not appear, ultimately forsaking him.
…It seems Sjoerd had been waiting for Aster more than he thought.
Suddenly, the calm in his heart was disturbed by an unsettling wave from within. As the Crown Prince, Aster’s decision was rational and logical. Sjoerd would have acted no differently if he were in his position. Only a Guide could stop a berserking Tudur, but in the process, the Guide would inevitably be hurt. It was a risk too great for one destined to become the sun.
Thus, there was no resentment. It would be a lie to say Sjoerd felt no sense of betrayal, but Aster had done his duty as his Guide. Expecting more was greedy and delusional. There was no need to bear hatred towards Aster.
Attempting to mend his relationship with Prince Reuschers was not about antagonizing the Crown Prince, but to prevent the worst outcome for everyone.
“It’s cold outside. Please go ahead inside, Your Highness.”
Despite the brusque words, Aster smiled like sunshine. Removing his hand from the cheek, he then took Sjoerd’s hand. Aster’s warmth thawed his frozen hand, not covered by gloves.
“Yes, let’s go inside. I want to hear how you’ve been.”
Aster, readily agreeing, led Sjoerd as if to accompany him. Sjoerd’s body, about to follow out of habit, hesitated. As the lord of the Axid dominion, it was his duty to welcome important guests, but Sjoerd, following the Crown Prince, had always been willing to fulfill whatever he desired, even if it meant leaving the guests he should be welcoming to his vassals.
Aster, noticing Sjoerd’s hesitation, turned to look at him. Facing those blue eyes smiling as if they knew nothing, Sjoerd often felt the urge to follow his commands.
…However, Sjoerd had duties today. To prevent a disaster, the cooperation of the Tudurs present was necessary. Since there were those who already disliked Sjoerd, garnering further resentment here could jeopardize gaining their cooperation.