How to Escape from the Yandere’s Crazy Obsession - Chapter 7
The professor, who had entered shortly afterward, quickly settled the chaotic situation, and the class was ultimately canceled. Eric was carried out, still unconscious, and Vallon disappeared with the professor after several students testified that he had pushed Eric.
“Leticia, come sit here.”
In the end, Leticia was called in as well. Upon entering the suffocatingly quiet room, she saw Vallon leaning back in his chair, seemingly unfazed, while the professor nervously fidgeted in front of him. Sitting next to Vallon was a well-dressed middle-aged man, looking sharp and formal.
Judging by the insignia of the Kattravan Duchy embroidered on his clothing, he appeared to be someone working for the ducal household. Leticia took a seat in the chair opposite Vallon.
As soon as she sat down, she felt an unpleasant sensation, as though something was wrapping around her, suffocating her. The gaze hidden behind his glasses was unbearable, making her feel as if she were being watched even though his eyes were obscured by his hair.
What is it about Vallon? Why does the mere sight of this bullied outcast make me so nervous?
Leticia turned her head to avoid looking at Vallon, but she could feel his gaze even more intensely. It was as if his eyes were drilling into her.
In the end, she let her long hair fall forward, hiding her face.
“Leticia, weren’t you the closest witness? Are you certain Vallon pushed Eric? Vallon claims Eric fell on his own.”
The professor glanced awkwardly between Vallon and the other man as he questioned Leticia. From the look of things, even if Vallon had pushed Eric, it seemed it would be dismissed.
But Leticia knew Vallon hadn’t pushed him.
“Yes. Vallon didn’t push Eric.”
“Are you sure? Then why is everyone saying he did?”
Meanwhile, Vallon was observing Leticia, not taking his eyes off her for even a second, as if he didn’t want to miss a single movement. Whether Eric was dead, injured, or disabled didn’t concern him in the slightest. The only thing that mattered was this moment he had to be near her.
He absorbed every detail about her—the way her soft blonde hair swayed with every movement, the white teeth that peeked through her parted red lips when she spoke, her pink flushed cheeks, and her long, delicate neck. Everything about her captivated him.
His lower body responded immediately.
“Ah, it’s standing again.”
Vallon’s out-of-place comment caused three pairs of eyes to turn toward him. But Vallon shamelessly closed his mouth again, as if nothing was wrong.
“Vallon, what do you mean by that?”
“Ah, it’s nothing. Haha… so, what happened next?”
Instead of Vallon, the man seated beside him answered the professor’s question. It wasn’t only the professor who seemed uneasy—this man was trembling as well. His fingers twitched nervously, unable to stay still.
Why is he so scared? Is he afraid he’ll lose his job with the Duke of Kattravan? But no, the look in his eyes as he watched Vallon was clearly one of fear.
The only person who seemed calm in the room was Vallon himself. Well, he hadn’t done anything wrong, so he had no reason to feel anxious.
“Ah… well, people just didn’t see it properly. Eric tried to shove Vallon’s shoulder, but he fell forward on his own. Vallon merely stepped aside.”
“Eric fell on his own?”
“Yes, I saw it clearly.”
It was true Vallon hadn’t pushed him, but even though she had seen it with her own eyes, Leticia couldn’t shake her doubt about Vallon’s involvement.
Why do I feel this way? He didn’t do anything. Am I just being influenced by everyone else’s thoughts?
No, that wasn’t it. Though it wasn’t clear, it looked to her like Eric, who had been standing firmly, had suddenly been swept off his feet by some other force.
And Vallon had definitely been smiling as he stepped on Eric’s fingers. This time she was sure. It was a vivid smile, one she could no longer dismiss as her imagination.
It was all too much to think about, and her mind was in turmoil.