How to Escape from the Yandere’s Crazy Obsession - Chapter 82
Time passed quickly in an uneasy haze.
The person who had left the strange letter for Leticia hadn’t appeared again since that day. Did the absence of that person bring her any comfort? Not at all. The more time passed, the more anxious she became.
Whoever had left that note must have had a reason, or something they wanted from her. Until they achieved their goal, the likelihood of continued threats was high.
“Who could possibly know…?”
Leticia mentally reviewed all the faces of those she knew at Arvata Academy, but there was no one who seemed likely to send such a note.
Except Vallon—the devil with an angelic face.
But no matter how much she thought about it, Vallon had no reason to do something like that.
If he wanted to threaten her, he could simply say it. With her already under his control, tied to him like a leash around her neck, there was no need for him to go through such trouble.
That’s when it happened.
Someone knocked on the door slowly from outside. The sound wasn’t continuous—it came in distinct, detached taps.
Though it was just a knock, it sent a chill down her spine. There are some things you can just instinctively sense, right? When something dangerous is about to happen, there’s an ability to recognize it.
This was one of those moments.
Leticia cautiously called Richelle’s name. In the dormitory, she was the only one who would visit her room.
Occasionally, the dormitory supervisor would come by, but it wasn’t the usual time for that. As expected, there was no answer.
It felt like walking on a thin, fragile wire that could snap at any moment. Leticia’s nerves were on edge, trembling with unease.
Carefully, she approached the door and pressed her ear against it. She was ready to open it as soon as she heard the knock again.
“Please, just knock once more…”
Though terrified of the unknown person standing outside, she couldn’t keep avoiding the situation. The more fear she showed, the more boldly the other person would close in on her. If the person outside was the one who had left the note, one thing was certain.
They had delayed for this long to tighten the noose around her. They probably wanted her to grow anxious and distressed during that time.
There it was again, the slow knocking.
Leticia couldn’t hold back any longer and quickly flung the door open.
“Who is it?!”
She had opened the door the very moment the knock sounded, but no one was there. Instead, there was only a thin envelope placed at her feet.
I can’t miss this! I have to see who it is!
Leticia hurriedly stepped out into the hallway and looked down toward the end. Just in time, she caught a glimpse of someone with red hair disappearing around the corner to the left.
She quickly scanned her surroundings, but aside from the direction where the red-haired person had vanished, the hallway was completely empty.
“Red hair?”
The likelihood that the person who had left the envelope was the red-haired woman she had just seen was high.
Of course, the moment she saw the bright red hair, her first thought was… of her close friend, Richelle.
But there was no way Richelle could be the culprit.
So, who else at the academy had red hair? There were only a handful of redheads, so narrowing down the suspects would be easier.
As far as she knew, the only person with red hair staying in the dormitory was Richelle. So… did that mean the culprit wasn’t someone who lived in the dormitory?
Excluding Richelle, who would never do such a thing, Leticia mentally ran through the other possible suspects.
Eliminating Richelle left four people.
“Who could it be?”
Leticia picked up the unsettling envelope lying in front of her door and examined it carefully. As expected, there was no sender’s name on it.
The first time she received one of these disturbing letters, she was too shaken to notice much. But now, upon closer inspection, she could see that the envelope seemed to be handmade by the culprit.
Returning to her room, Leticia cautiously opened the black envelope.
[Disgusting b!tch, pretending to be so clean after wallowing in filth. Why did you even come back to this academy? Everyone should know about your filthy past.]
The moment Leticia read the contents of the letter, her mind clouded with confusion.
It was now certain—the person sending these notes knew what had happened to her over the break.
At first, she had her doubts, but now, it was clear that the letter contained pure malice directed toward her.