How to Escape from the Yandere’s Crazy Obsession - Chapter 90
Leticia rushed down the stairs, gasping for breath as she made her way out of the dormitory.
“Hah… hah…”
No one was actually choking her, yet she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. She reached the first floor, convinced that fresh air would bring her relief.
“Leticia, why are you in such a rush this early in the morning?”
Standing in front of her was Vallon. His tall figure cast a shadow over her, enveloping her entirely. Strangely enough, the shade she once found terrifying now felt oddly comforting.
Only yesterday, she had been consumed with thoughts of how to kill him, but now, just seeing him eased the trembling inside her.
What was Vallon to her? Why did his mere presence calm her? He was no different from the person threatening her, yet here he was, providing a strange sense of security.
Leticia almost ran into his arms, seeking comfort. But she stopped herself. Just because he had the face of an angel didn’t mean he was one.
Wiping the tears that had formed at the corners of her eyes, Leticia muttered to herself, Get a grip…
Was this all part of Vallon’s doing? Had he created this situation with some strange power of his? No, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn’t control her feelings like this.
Tears welled up in Leticia’s eyes, ready to spill at any moment.
“Is something wrong?”
Vallon asked, his voice calm despite Leticia’s distressed appearance. His soothing tone, which once sent chills down her spine, now seemed comforting. Why? Maybe it was because she felt that, no matter what she did, Vallon would always be on her side. She was certain he would save her if she were ever in danger.
The thought disgusted her. After all, she had been plotting his death, yet now, she found solace in him. It was pathetic, really. The stress and pressure were clearly clouding her mind.
“Vallon… this is your doing, right? Isn’t it?”
Leticia handed him the crumpled paper she was holding.
She hoped, more than anything, that this was another one of his strange schemes.
She didn’t want to keep suspecting innocent people.
“What’s this?”
“Isn’t this your work?”
Vallon took the paper, unfolded it, and glanced over its contents. His expression remained unchanged as he read the eerie message. He shook his head as if to say he had nothing to do with it.
Even as he read the disturbing note, his face remained calm, though a faint smile of amusement appeared.
What’s so funny? Why is he laughing?
Did Vallon even understand fear? Did he know what it felt like to be scared and overwhelmed? Probably not.
“Why would I bother with such childish tricks? You’re already in my grasp, aren’t you?”
As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She was already under his control; there was no reason for him to go this far.
“Is this why you’ve been in such a bad mood this morning?”
“Do you want me to help?”
Vallon smiled angelically, his lips curving into a smile that, for a moment, seemed kind. Leticia almost reached out for his help, momentarily forgetting the demon that lurked behind that sweet façade.
Though he was smiling, there was no emotion behind it. She had no idea what he was really thinking.
Falling into the depths of darkness was too easy when Vallon was involved. This was something she could handle on her own.
She didn’t want him interfering in her life any further.
“No, I’m fine. I’ll handle it myself.”
“Alright, if that’s what you want.”
Vallon nodded and took her trembling hand.
As they walked away together, someone watched them from the shadows, spitting angrily on the ground.
The spit, tinged with blood from biting her lips too hard, landed with a wet splat.
“Filthy bxtch. Crazy over a man.”
The deranged glint in her eyes fixated on Leticia’s shrinking blonde head as it disappeared into the distance. Clawing at the wall with her nails, the woman spat venomous curses under her breath.
“So, you’re going to ignore my warnings, huh?”
As she watched the two walk away, the woman felt as if Vallon’s crimson eyes were looking right at her. But that was impossible, she reasoned. She was too well hidden in the shadows, far out of sight.
“No way he can see me from here.”
Determined that her threats hadn’t worked, the woman vowed to take action. There was no way she could stand by and watch that hypocrite wander freely around the academy any longer.