I Became A Renowned Arts Genius At My Arts High School - Chapter 6
1 P.M.
The 138 students of the Art Department gathered in the underground plaza.
The practical arts building of Sehyeon High School was divided into various rooms: a small painting room and a major room that could accommodate about 10 students each, a pottery room that could accommodate more than 40 students, and the studios for practical instructors. Therefore, when a large number of people assembled, the underground plaza was often used.
“Did everyone prepare well for the exam?”
Between students holding paint brushes and painting boards, the head of the 1st-year practical arts department, Teacher Choi Hyeong Uk, appeared. With a robust physique and curly hair tied back, he was a noticeable figure, standing a head taller than most students.
“Ughhh. Help us!”
Most of the students reacted violently to the unwelcome greeting. Choi Hyeong Uk gave them a fake smile, as if they were cute, and hopped up onto the chair he had dragged from the lab.
“All right, the exam will start at 1:30 p.m. Once it ends at 5:30 p.m., we’ll immediately start grading, dividing the evaluation into nine grades from A+ to C-. As mentioned earlier, one of the eight gypsum statues we talked about will be in the exam.”
“Oh, too many!”
“Yeah! It’s too difficult!”
At the students’ exaggerations, Choi Hyeong Uk laughed, raising his eyebrows, and then encouraged them with a low voice.
“No need to be nervous. The exam here is just a practice and a step towards the final gateway that you will face in the college entrance exams after becoming seniors. Just think of it as one of the many exams to prepare for the real battle.”
His quiet charisma quieted the chatter, and the students listened attentively. Professor Choi made eye contact with each one in turn as he continued.
“Even if your skills are lacking or you make mistakes right now, there’s no need to be discouraged or disappointed. Everything will be a valuable experience for all of you. Besides, you’re just freshmen. You still have plenty of time. The fact that you entered Sehyun High School has already proven your potential. So, I hope you all believe in yourselves. Got it?”
Some, touched by the warm words of belief and encouragement, answered with raised voices. Choi Hyeong Uk checked the watch on his wrist, satisfied with their response.
“All right, let’s get started. Today’s exam will take place in the 3rd room in the studio for four hours, and if anyone urgently needs the restroom, feel free to go. Just remember to ask for permission from the exam supervisor. Also, if any cheating aids, such as hidden papers, are discovered, it will result in a score of 0 for the test. Everyone, keep that in mind!”
“Then I hope you all do well on your exams, because you’ve worked hard!”
With determination and excitement heating up the atmosphere, Soohyun smiled wryly in the midst of it all.
In the past, she had fallen for Choi Hyeong Uk’s flamboyant words and actions and thought he was a true teacher who was sincere about teaching.
Unaware that Choi Hyeong Uk received bribes and allowed students to cheat, thinking they were marking the exams fairly.
“Scoring? What a joke. The test itself is flawed from the beginning.”
Soohyun shook her head.
It was not even a funny comedy. According to what Kim Hayoung said, all the names in that lottery box would be written as Caligula.
“All right, let’s announce the test topic. Is there anyone willing to come out and draw as a representative? Raise your hand, volunteers!”
At Choi Hyeong Uk’s signal, the class presidents came out with the lottery box. The act of choosing the test topic on the same day for a fair test or having a student select it was nothing more than a plausible deception.
‘Turns out it’s more infuriating than I thought.’
Soohyun glared coldly at the lottery box, and composed herself.
‘It’s okay. It’s a show that’s bound to go wrong anyway. The flow of events has already diverged significantly from the past.’
And perhaps that’s why things were unfolding exactly as expected.
“Um, sir!”
Impulsive Yoonhee raised her hand, smiling.
“Oh, Cha Yoonhee. Do you want to come forward?”
“Oh, no, that’s not it.”
“Uh, because they said the Caligula statue would be on the test today…”
Though the words were well-trimmed, their impact was huge. In an instant, Choi Hyeong Uk looked as if he’d eaten sh*t.
“What’s this nonsense, darn it!”