I Give Up on the BL Novel's Male Leads - Chapter 21
“The school rules had changed due to some untoward incidents on campus.”
Professor Sharian walked into the classroom and announced that.
While most of the students in Class 1 listened indifferently, Illein and Damon, who was sitting in front of her, paid close attention.
“From now on, our Class 1 will not have joint classes only with Class 10. We will rotate and have joint classes with all other classes.”
For Illein, this was a welcome piece of news.
“Except for two subjects, there will be no more joint classes with Class 10. One is the Magic Potions class, and the other will be either Magical Defense or Astrology.”
Illein, feeling a sense of relief, smiled slightly, and Damon, catching her glance, smiled back and then looked forward.
Edwin was observing them from the back.
“So, will we have sessions with Class 2 as well?”
“Yes, of course,” responded Professor Sharian as one of the students asked.
“Also, there will soon be a Spring Dance Party. All seniors must attend, so please prepare your formal attire.”
After Professor Sharian concluded the announcements and left, the classroom buzzed with chatter.
Illein felt her mind reeling. She recalled from the original story that she was kidnapped right after the Summer Dance Party.
Following the Spring Dance Party, there were midterms, and then immediately the Summer Dance Party. After that party, there were final exams and then the summer break.
In the original story, Illein had spent her summer break in a situation hotter than the season itself. Without anyone noticing her absence due to the busy summer schedule of the Candelaria Ducal family.
Perhaps if Damon hadn’t been so busy, he might have discovered Illein’s kidnapping earlier in the original story. They were, after all, very close friends.
This thought made Illein realize she couldn’t just enjoy the upcoming dance party as a simple event.
Yet, she also thought that she should get used to attending balls, as they were a routine part of noble life.
“What about a dance partner?”
Damon’s question snapped out of her reverie. Illein realized that was another issue to consider.
“Ah, right, choosing a partner is also a challenge.”
Illein was not particularly fond of dance parties. They felt mandatory, and she found them a waste of time.
Time that could be better spent studying.
After all, the only mandatory event at Bellaine Academy was the dance party. The academy was almost devoid of social activities otherwise.
As Melias had pointed out, it was rare for nobles to marry for love.
These parties were a necessary evil, providing a venue for students to familiarize themselves with each other, which could be beneficial for building networks and understanding social dynamics in the future.
“Your sister isn’t coming again because she’s sick?”
Damon asked, and Illein smiled bitterly.
“Yeah, Illenas is still unwell.”
Illein tried to avoid Damon’s eyes as she lied.
“That’s too bad. I was hoping to go with her.”
“Ilenas can’t dance.”
“I’m good enough for both of us.”
Illein chuckled at Damon’s comment.
“If it really doesn’t work out, let’s just go together again. It’s not so bad going without a partner.”
Reassured by Damon’s words, Illein nodded, trying to alleviate her worries.
When Illein casually went to the rooftop with her lunch, expecting not to find Edwin there, she was surprised to see him waiting.
“Hello, Edwin?”
She was slightly taken aback but smiled as if receiving a long-awaited gift. There was none of the mystique from the original story in her expression, just a bright smile.
She approached him. He leaned against the railing and turned around when he saw her.
“Do you really think apples dipped in peanut butter are that good?”
He asked nonchalantly.
Illein felt relieved despite herself, thinking maybe this was for the best.
“Yeah, try some. I brought it again today.”
She spoke naturally.
“Let’s sit here, in the shade.”
Illein said with a warm smile. Edwin sighed but moved closer to her.
He was seemingly a bit more at ease, perhaps remembering her kindness from when she had taken the truth serum.
Illein opened her lunchbox and, using a fork, dipped an apple slice into peanut butter before handing it to Edwin. He frowned slightly but accepted it.
The crisp sound of biting into the apple filled the air.
“It’s actually good.”
“Told you,” Illein responded with a light laugh, then started eating the rest of her meal.
While enjoying the apples, Illein decided to break the silence.
“Edwin, what are your plans for a dance partner at the party?”
She remembered from the original story how Edwin had once skipped a dance party, resulting in a warning from the academy.
“Why? Do you want me to go with you?”
When Edwin joked lightly, she replied.
“Yes, actually, I was thinking just that.”
So to not take the route like the original story.