I Married the Mad Duke Who Killed My Husband - Chapter 58
Hello, Readers! I am celebrating my birthday with extra chapter updates, so please enjoy this special chapter release of four bonus chapters! 🥳
(Lurelia’s Birthday Bonus – Update 1/4 🎉)
Looking at Lorang, who was crying and shaking all over, I thought he was useless and slowly moved to the front of the wagon, surveying the surroundings.
Very carefully, I lifted the tarp and went out, and beyond that single layer of dirty cloth, a scene like a small war was unfolding.
“How long do you think you can hold out!”
The enemies, probably thinking we were like mice trapped in a box, didn’t desperately attack but rather laughed as they assaulted the wagon.
They knew it was more advantageous to attack the wagon than to directly target Cassion.
Seeing the enemy’s sword graze Cassion’s forearm, I held back a scream that almost burst out and completely exited the wagon.
Given the position, if I move just a bit forward, the enemies will see me. Then.
“Uh, uh!”
“Hey, over there!”
I took a deep breath and quickly ran, stepping on the stirrup and leaping up.
The reins were grasped in my hastily outstretched hands, and because I jumped too forcefully, I almost went over the horse like it was a vaulting horse, but thanks to my foot caught in the stirrup, I was able to return and sit like a roly-poly doll.
As someone pointed at me, I simultaneously kicked the horse’s side hard.
It was the greatest luck that the front was empty because they were surrounding the back and sides of the wagon.
I tried not to look back, lowered my body to avoid the flying arrows, and drove the horse.
Whether it was because the wagon had been moving or because my heart was left behind, it was slower than I thought, but thanks to Cassion fending off those who rushed in, we were able to escape from that war-like scene in an instant.
“Quickly, go faster!”
I felt like crying but now wasn’t the time. I kept looking forward without turning back until the end, fleeing into the forest.
Unlike Cassion, both the wagon and my body shook precariously due to the rough riding, but I ran with the thought that as long as we didn’t fall over or fall off, it would be fine.
Because we were running through the forest rather than on a path, branches brushed against my face. Leaves were fine, but when the sharp end of a branch I hadn’t noticed grazed my cheek, I felt a sting.
But more than the wound on my face, I gritted my teeth thinking about the cut on Cassion’s arm that I had left behind. It’s okay. You did well. If we had stayed there, we would have just been a burden.
“Du-Duchess! Are you abandoning the Duke?”
“I’m not abandoning him!”
I shouted, filled with anger at Lorang for pointing out what had been secretly bothering me. We’ll meet at the Duke’s mansion in the capital. Cassion alone should be able to escape well. He has to.
“There they are!”
But there was no time to indulge in sentimental feelings or regrets. Two of the assassins we thought we had shaken off found us and started chasing fiercely.
“Ah, damn it!”
I felt ridiculous driving the horse desperately under threat, thinking that somehow we’d manage when the time came. If I had learned and ridden horses this desperately from the beginning, we could have moved without the wagon!
“Duchess! If you hand over that guy, we’ll spare your life!”
“That’s a lie even a dog wouldn’t believe!”
But what’s the use of regretting now? With the grazing arrows, the wagon’s tarp was now in such a tattered state that Lorang was fully visible.
Those persistent guys, how to shake them off…
“Aim for the wheels!”
At that moment, the arrows that had been targeting me and the tarp flew towards the wheels. I kept running, thinking what difference it would make since they weren’t the tires I knew from my past life, but even for wooden wheels, several entangled arrows couldn’t be ignored.
As the arrows got tangled in the running wheels, the wagon tilted, and the horse, unable to bear the weight, neighed.
“No! Calm down, please calm down!”
I desperately clung to the horse’s back, which was almost vertical, and pleaded, but it wouldn’t calm down easily. Looking closely, the horse also had many wounds grazed by arrowheads.
“Ma-Madam. They’re coming!”
“Get out of the wagon, Lorang!”
There’s no choice.
“Hurry! Jump out!”
Damn it, will this work?
Aiming for the moment when we were hidden by the large trees, I struck the reins to make only the horse and wagon move forward, then jumped off.
I couldn’t think of any other way to choose before the out-of-control horse shook off the wagon and got away from Lorang. I had no choice but to use a classic method… I hope they follow that way.
“Ah, no! Duchess! What should we do, Du…!”
“Just, shut, up.”
Ignoring my throbbing ankle, I ran to Lorang, who had barely jumped out in time, and covered his mouth.
Then I jumped down the rocky hill that I couldn’t descend due to my poor riding skills. At that moment, I almost screamed at the sharp pain rising in my ankle, but the groan that escaped through my clenched teeth was tiny.
Seeing me, Lorang tapped his hand with trembling eyes. This time, he really won’t make a sound, right?
“Why did you bring the luggage?”
“We might have to camp out if we keep running like this…”
As I stuffed him first into a space perfectly hidden between rocks and large trees, and blocked the front with branches, I saw the bundle of luggage Lorang had brought.
Knowing that there were more art supplies than water or dry food in there, I wanted to say something out of exasperation, but I closed my mouth and curled up more at the approaching footsteps.
No skirt hems sticking out, right? I wonder if we’re well hidden when viewed from their side?
“Here! The wagon is abandoned here! They must be nearby.”
“Damn it, where are they hiding? Like little rats.”
Those who found the wagon we couldn’t dispose of are slowly closing in on our hiding place. What should we do now?
I was torn between trusting in luck and staying hidden in this corner until the end, or bursting out somewhere like when I left Cassion behind.
It’s not a large number, just two, so maybe… No way! I’m not a knight and I don’t know how to handle a sword!
As I was pulling my hair in frustration while tracking the sound of the two men walking around on the hill above, I suddenly heard the sound of grass rustling beside me.
Although I was startled as if having a seizure, I reflexively covered Lorang’s mouth again, so no sound escaped.
And with round eyes, I made eye contact with an unexpected figure approaching while crouching. It was Jenin.
Since there was no way the original female protagonist would be the Empress’s spy, she was clearly approaching to help me, gesturing with her round eyes wide in surprise. It was fortunate that I had covered Lorang’s mouth while not screaming.
We exchanged signals with our eyes and moved stealthily. Lorang seemed confused by the sudden change in the situation, but this was a stroke of luck.
No, is it natural for Jenin to be here in the forest near a village close to the capital?
Thinking that this might be the forest where she found the injured Cassion in the original story, we reached where she had left her horse. It’s Leonina, her beloved horse and her family.
But there are three of us.
“It’s okay. Please get on quickly, Duchess!”
Even though Leonina is a fine horse and larger than other horses, isn’t it too much to carry two women and one man?
But contrary to my worries, Jenin, with a determined face, led me.
I was grateful to her for trying to help me instinctively without knowing the situation, but I became urgent as I heard the sound of two men coming down the hill behind us.
“This person first!”
Jenin pushed Lorang, whom I had shoved forward, onto the horse by his bottom, then helped me up, and finally sat herself far back in the seatless rear, barely grasping the reins.
Sitting at an awkward distance but still stable, she signals Leonina to start quietly by stroking her side with her foot instead of kicking.
“There they are!”
But despite her efforts, the men who had come down the hill quickly discovered where we were.
I should have sat at the very back. At least to block the arrows coming from behind…
At that moment, the docile Leonina started running like mad. I knew she was a racehorse, but the actual speed felt even more incredible than it looked. Finally, Lorang’s scream burst out. The rushing wind made it almost impossible to breathe.
“Please endure for a bit!”
The voices of the men who were following us in confusion were drowned out and faded away at the sound of Leonina and Jenin, who showed no signs of strain despite carrying three people.
Unlike me who had been hit by all the branches while running, I admired Jenin who was freely navigating through the forest, and offered an early word of thanks.
“Thank you, Jenin.”
“We’re not completely out of danger yet.”
I know that too. But with this speed and riding ability, we might as well consider ourselves escaped.
“You saved us.”
“…I have a lot of questions, but for now, let’s go to my house! We need to treat your wounds first.”
Her steady gaze is reassuring even as she looks at me in confusion. So this is how amazing the original female protagonist is. As I was overwhelmed by sudden emotion, Lorang, sitting at the front with hunched shoulders, turned back.
“Wh-who are you? Who are you?”
He really knows how to ruin the moment, doesn’t he?