I Transmigrated as my Bias's Messenger Bird - Chapter 32
At the end of an alley, similar to the teahouse, stood the Libra Bookstore. This was precisely the place where Rai, concealing his identity, enjoyed visiting. Even though I visited here daily during gameplay, I only spotted Rai here once. At that time, Rai was deeply hooded in a blue cloak made of luxurious velvet, engrossed in examining ancient books.
When I approached and said, “Hello? You’re the Tower Lord, right?!” he responded without even turning around.
‘…You’ve mistaken me for the wrong person.’
Putting the book down abruptly, there was no further conversation as the person left. However, even that brief conversation might be of help today. At least, I knew one outfit that Rai might wear when visiting the bookstore.
I entered the bookstore hoping for a miracle.
‘I’m pretty sure Rai’s been in here somewhere, looking at old books.’
Fumbling through my memories, I ventured into the corner of the bookstore. It was definitely here—an area that didn’t get much sunlight. As I stepped into the area where I’d found Rai, I smelled the distinctive odor of old books that I hadn’t noticed when I was playing the game. It was a strange smell, a little musty, but somehow reassuring.
As I wandered around the area, looking for Rai, I heard the sound of footsteps. Someone was walking this way. Could it be Rai?
I quickly grabbed a random book from a nearby shelf, covering my face. Then, pretending to read it, I casually moved into a different section behind the stranger. Amidst the shelves, I caught a glimpse of the person’s back.
I could see a blue cloak.
‘Could it be Rai?! Although the fabric didn’t seem like velvet, the hood must mean that it’s Rai.’
Feeling hopeful, I glanced up slightly only to sigh in disappointment as I caught a glimpse of golden strands peeking out from under the edge of the hood.
‘Golden hair… Clearly not Rai; anyone could see that.’
The man with the concealed golden hair looked through a few books, then closed them and left the store.
‘Hmm, looks like Rai won’t be coming.’
Carelessly placing the book I was pretending to read on a shelf nearby, I waited for another hour. But Rai didn’t show up. I decided to move to the next location. I couldn’t afford to waste more time here when I had no time to spare.
Next up was the central park near the palace. I’ve encountered Rai here more often than at the bookstore.
‘I’ve seen him at least five times here.’
More specifically, there was a bench tucked away in a corner of the maze park where Rai frequented. Perhaps because few people knew that spot, he seemed to like it there.
I jogged my memory and headed to the secluded bench in the maze garden. It took me an hour to find it, even with me retracing my steps. No wonder this place is so deserted.
When I finally arrived, the bench was empty. I sat down feeling dejected. Before I knew it, the sky was turning orange.
I wondered if I would end up hanging without being exonerated. To hell with my mission to win favor. If I’m hanged before then, it won’t mean anything. It’s unfair.
‘Murderer guy. When they find out who you really are, they’ll do this and that to you, mark my words.’
In a state of frustration mixed with anger, I lay on the bench, staring blankly at the sky. Then, I heard a noise. I instinctively ducked behind the bushes.
Just as I was contemplating what words to use to plead with Rai, an unexpected figure appeared.
“You filthy animal.”
“W-why are you doing this?”
“Are you really that clueless?”
“Why are you acting like you own this place??”
This can’t be happening.
‘Alfie, the Alpaca Person… who’d have thought there’d be such a story behind the face that was just a cute side character?’
I could see a bunch of extras like me surrounding Alfie, poking and prodding, while Alfie just covered their head, stammering, questioning why he was being treated this way. These were things that didn’t appear in the world experienced by the protagonist Mina.
“What did I do wrong… Why are you all like this…”
“Shut it, just by existing, you’re already in the wrong.”
“Who do you think you are, pestering the girl from another world? Get real.”
“I-I’m sorry, I just wanted to be friends…”
Well, there were *ssholes like this everywhere. They didn’t like Alfie’s friendliness toward Mina, the otherworldly girl who was the center of attention, so they’re taking it out on the wrong person, because they don’t have the confidence to go up to her and be friendly.
‘Alfie… back when I was Mina, they were always a good friend who would give me delicious fruits.’
He told me that his dream was to study hard here and return to his homeland. He wanted to become archmage to protect it.
‘How dare you bully Alfie, who stops walking when he sees a procession of ants because he doesn’t want to trample them?’
My temper flared. Even if there were tasks that needed to be done, I was as stubborn as a mule.
“It’s disgusting. You’re being a d*ck.”
I stepped out of the bushes, and the one who seemed to be the boss turned around with a raised eyebrow.
“Ha, look who it is!”
“Huh. You recognize me?”
At my reaction, the one who seemed to be the boss let out a smirk. “Of course I do. You’re that crazy elf.”
…This was so embarrassing!