I Want To Die One Day Before You - Chapter 113
A slight smile appeared on the witch Odr’s lips.
“Why are you here? Weren’t you at the Demon King’s castle?”
“You came here because you hit your forehead.”
The witch Odr pointed to Iruel’s forehead.
When he touched his forehead, it felt clean with nothing on it; the sticky blood had disappeared without a trace.
“Why did you use magic when it would have healed on its own?”
“But it hurts, doesn’t it?”
“It didn’t hurt that much.”
“Your mother says it hurts.”
The witch Odr, putting down her knitting, replied in a gentle voice.
“A mother can’t bear to see her son in pain.”
Lost for words, Iruel scratched the back of his innocent head.
He felt heavy-hearted. It seemed like he had unnecessarily worried his mother. He felt pathetic for not being able to properly avoid a single carriage.
“I won’t drink alcohol ever again.”
“That’s the 274th time you’ve said that this year. You’ve already lost my trust.”
“You were counting? Hmph.”
Watching Iruel grumble, the witch Odr just chuckled.
“You know… I have something to tell you, Mother.”
Iruel, after glancing at his mother’s expression, cautiously started speaking.
“What is it?”
“I left the Eustice Viscounty today.”
“I see.”
The witch Odr continued her knitting and nodded.
“That is, I stormed out. I won’t go back. I’m prepared to be disowned by the Viscount.”
Iruel hastily added an explanation, but his mother’s response was unexpectedly calm.
“Alright, I understand.”
“…You’re not angry?”
Iruel prodded carefully.
“Do you want to be scolded by your mother?”
“No, but… you always wanted me to get along with humans.”
“That’s true, but it’s your decision.”
The witch Odr tossed her knitting into the air.
“Just because you made this decision doesn’t mean you stop being my son, does it?”
The knitting needles floated in the air, and the half-finished scarf unraveled.
The witch Odr pointed to the scarf.
“What pattern should I add? A dog? A cat?”
“Wait, is that for me?”
“Of course. I made you one last year too.”
Iruel pondered deeply over the witch Odr’s question. It was a significant decision to make.
A dog or a cat?
“They’re both cute…”
“Then let’s include both. The more cute things, the better, right?”
“I love you, Mother.”
The witch Odr grinned and continued knitting.
“Oh, right.”
Iruel took a box he had kept in his pocket.
“Here, take this.”
“Oh, what’s this?”
“A bribe to prove my filial piety.”
Inside the box was the ruby ring Iruel had purchased from the store.
“Oh my, it has a gem in my favorite color.”
The witch Odr’s eyes twinkled.
“From now on, wear this instead of the sapphire ring.”
Iruel grabbed Witch Od’s hand, attempting to remove the sapphire ring she was wearing.
Witch Odr brushed off his hand.
“Stop it, Iruel. It’s a precious ring.”
“Precious? What’s so precious about it? Just throw away this kind of thing.”
Iruel stubbornly took off his mother’s ring.
“Why do you keep a ring given by that man, who doesn’t even know your favorite color? From now on, wear the ring I gave you.”
The witch Odr looked at the ring Iruel had placed on her finger.
Instead of the blue ring given by that man, it was the red ring given by her son.
“Forget that man now, Mother.”
Iruel gripped the sapphire ring tightly.
“Of course, you might think of him whenever you see me, but please try to forget him.”
As Iruel opened his hand again, the broken ring was revealed.
The witch Odr quietly watched as Iruel crushed her engagement ring.
“I will make you happy, Mother.”
A strong gust of wind blew, and the fragments of the ring, now turned to pieces, twinkled and were swept away by the wind.
“Of course, I will die before you, Mother… but still, I will take care of you until I become a white-haired old man.”
Watching the fragments scatter like a midday mirage, the witch Odr showed a faint smile.
“Thank you, Iruel. You’re unexpectedly doing something kind.”
“Really. I’ve always been kind, haven’t you seen a filial son like me?”
“My cute, little son.”
The witch Odr chuckled and pulled Iruel into a hug.
“I’m neither little nor cute anymore.”
Iruel grumbled in response.
“Look at my size. Unnecessarily tall, needlessly broad shouldered, and I probably weigh twice as much as you do?”
The witch Odr laughed softly, patting Iruel’s back.
“Still, you are little and cute to me.”
Iruel looked down at his mother.
Nothing had changed.
No matter how much Iruel aged, how much his weight ballooned, and how his height continued to grow, Witch Odr always remained the same.
She never aged.
He hated that.
“I will age faster than you, Mother.”
Like a wrinkled, overaged carrot, probably turning ugly first. Then wilting like a limp vegetable, being tossed about helplessly until one day dying suddenly.
Facing an ugly, decrepit human death in front of his eternally young and beautiful demon mother.
That’s why he wanted to be a demon, not a human. He wanted to live very, very long with his mother…
“Mother, have you ever regretted it?”
Iruel blurted out without thinking.
“Regretted what?”
“Giving birth to me.”