I Want To Die One Day Before You - Chapter 80
Prince Tarek, still able to grip a sword in his somewhat intact left hand, cried out.
Of course, Prince Tarek’s condition did not look very good. Even standing still seemed difficult for him. Additionally, it seemed he had trouble seeing, as he waved his hand around, trying to survey his surroundings.
The problem was that he was royalty.
The magical power of the royal lineage exceeds human limits.
Rufus still remembered his bitter defeat in his past life. Although he had subdued twenty royal knights in a flash, he was ridiculously overpowered by the light swing of the king’s magic.
“How dare a cursed witch step on the sacred land of the Hevania Kingdom!”
Prince Tarek shouted as he swung his sword. The wave of his magic power struck the witch Odr like a sharp axe. Her body was torn to shreds like paper.
“You’re next, traitor!”
The prince, having torn apart the witch, swung his sword at Rufus.
Damn it!
Rufus hurriedly infused his sword with magical power. He was planning to strike Tarek before the prince could release his magic again.
But the prince’s magic was beyond imagination.
The moment Rufus lunged at Prince Tarek, a powerful magical force grabbed his feet.
He couldn’t move.
Taking advantage of this, the prince’s ruthless strike hit Rufus.
An unbearable pain struck Rufus, eliciting a sharp scream from his involuntarily opened mouth.
The prince’s sword pierced Rufus’s heart.
“Die, traitor!”
Prince Tarek’s sword dug deeper into Rufus’s body.
Blood continuously flowed from the area where the sword was embedded. The blood traced the contours of his body, profusely spilling.
Beyond the nostrils vibrating with the smell of blood, Rufus desperately sought his next breath.
—I’m going to die like this.
In that brief moment, numerous thoughts flashed through his mind.
Why hadn’t he been more careful?
He should have started by cutting off Prince Tarek’s hand. Or maybe after slicing off his arm. No, even cutting off his legs.
He was arrogant.
He was complacent.
He was reckless.
For the sin of being arrogant, for the sin of being complacent, for the sin of being reckless… Was he now going to pay the price with death?
His consciousness gradually faded. He no longer felt his hands and feet. His breath, flowing through his nostrils, wasn’t being delivered properly.
I can’t die like this.
Rufus could no longer even scream in the agony of his torn insides.
“How dare you raise a rebellion against the Hevania Royal Family and collude with demons! Pay the price for your betrayal!”
“Betrayal… I didn’t…”
With a dry plea, Rufus clenched his teeth.
The pain in his upper body intensified. His nerves were continuously entangled around the wound piercing his upper body, making it difficult to continue his thoughts. The bleeding was too severe. He was already on the brink of death.
Of course, the situation was the same for his opponent. Prince Tarek no longer had any magical power left. The attack he inflicted on himself had eaten away at his remaining life force.
The moment he realized that.
Maybe, just maybe.
There could be a chance of winning.
He made such a foolish thought.
“I… I will not be defeated by someone like you…”
Rufus gripped the sword he hadn’t let go until the end once more.
Just a little more.
Just a little longer.
“I… I never swore loyalty to the worthless Hevania Royal Family!”
Rufus, extracting the last of his strength, kicked Prince Tarek’s body.
The prince’s life-draining body rolled over the dust.
“Ha, ha…”
Breathing heavily, Rufus tightly grasped the sword of the prince that had pierced his heart.
Pulling out the sword now embedded in him would mean instant death.
There’s still strength left. He could still move.
Or, could he really move?
No. He had to move.
His head was spinning, he couldn’t think of anything, and he just wanted to close his eyes and fall down right now, but.
He could still fight.
He had to keep fighting.
In the blood-mixed field, gasping for breath, the man thought this.
At that moment, on the verge of closing his eyes any second, what the man recalled was neither his parents whom he had longed for all his life, nor his grandmother whom he had respected all his life, nor his younger brother whom he had cherished all his life.
He thought of the woman with that name.
How simple and headstrong he was, not letting go of her name even in this moment. The man couldn’t even afford to laugh.
It’s just that I…
“I love you.”
I wish you would say that to me one more time.
The dying man managed to raise his nearly dead body. And he infused the last drop of his strength into the silver sword in his hand.
Prince Tarek, lying on the ground, was spitting out blood and breathing heavily.
Before he regained his magical power, or before reinforcements arrived.
He had to eliminate him.
Rufus himself couldn’t understand.
How could he still move despite such a fatal wound.
Why wouldn’t he give up until the very end, even in the face of death.
He couldn’t understand, but he didn’t want to.
It’s just that I…
‘I just want to see you one more time.’
The man recalled the name of his lover, which he had shouted hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of times.
And finally—
Rufus’s sword decapitated Prince Tarek.
[End of Volume 1]