My Contract Husband Resembles the Male Protagonist - Chapter 27
“Mr. aide.”
A former con artist, now an aide.
Yurta, whose main job is an aide, was waiting for me. He greeted me with an impassive face.
“I’ve heard from Mr. Dale. Anne, you wanted to meet the lord.”
At that, a troubled look appeared on Yurta’s face.
“But now is not a good time to meet him.”
“I heard he is sick.”
“You already knew. Then more so…”
“I am a doctor.”
At that moment, Yurta’s eyes widened.
He pushed up his glasses.
“So, are you here today to check on the lord?”
Undeniable hope surged in Yurta’s eyes.
The main building of the Lord’s castle was quite dilapidated even on the inside.
It seemed like it had been a long time since it was last cleaned thoroughly, and it was neglected and poorly managed everywhere.
“But as you see, we have no money to offer.”
Yurta’s voice dropped wearily.
“Introducing the house to you was also because taking even the intermediary fee was necessary to maintain the Lord’s castle.”
“I won’t charge you right now.”
Then a suspicious look appeared on Yurta’s face.
“What is the reason?”
“Of course, I will charge a fee. I’ll take labor costs but not now, after the Lord has recovered.”
“We in Grunwald have no land or buildings to offer you.”
“I beg to differ.”
He stared intently as if trying to grasp my intention.
“This is the only chance.”
“We have looked for many methods and tried them out. But none showed any progress.”
And then he seemed to decide.
“…So, it might be worth pinning our last hope on.”
I smiled at his words.
“You have a talent for gambling.”
Then I went up the spiral staircase.
‘The smell of illness is getting stronger.’
I was breathless.
The smell I encountered at the birthday party was medicinal.
It was like a mix of the earthy scent after the rain and the acrid black smoke that arises when fire catches something. I held my breath.
Yurta opened the tightly shut door for me.
And there, the Lord lay motionless.
“Since when has he been like this?”
I approached and examined the Lord, who seemed delirious, emitting pained groans.
“He was never particularly healthy. He’s been suffering from a chronic illness. It’s been about three months since he completely collapsed.”
“Three months. Not an ideal time for treatment.”
Three months had passed; it seemed like the window for effective treatment might have been missed. Yurta and a woman named Sophia beside him looked visibly disheartened.
I took out a prepared bottle of medicine.
“Fortunately, I have one medicine that seems well-suited for the lord.”
The smell emanating from the lord.
I was glad I remembered the scent from before. I had definitely encountered it before, and smelling it again confirmed it even more.
Yurta looked at the medicine bottle I was holding with a worried expression.
“Is that clear medicine really the solution?”
“Well, if you don’t like it, there’s nothing I can do.”
I put the medicine back in my bag.
“I’ll come back later.”
But why won’t the bag close? As I pressed down on the bag, our eyes met.
His hand was preventing the bag from closing.
Yurta managed a sheepish smile.
“That was a foolish question of me. I’m sorry, but can you reconsider?”
I was caught.
I slowly pretended to ponder and shook my head.
“I don’t know any other treatment method than administering this medicine.”
“It’s not that we don’t trust Miss Anne. But I’m sorry, we are in a situation where we must find one certain way to proceed.”
Yurta spoke with a desperate yet firm voice.
But I know what this disease is.
“My grandfather suffered from the same illness a long time ago.”
“Suddenly seeing hallucinations, talking nonsense, worsening forgetfulness, and eczema appearing on the arms and soles, right?”
“How did you know?”
Aide Yurta’s eyes widened.
“The pupils become cloudy, and especially at night, there’s an urge to go for walks. It’s hard to tell if it’s a mental or physical ailment.”
Both Yurta and Sophia exchanged glances, holding their breath.
“There are no symptoms during the incubation period. Then one day, all these symptoms burst out at once.”
“We will pay you as much as you want!”