My Contract Husband Resembles the Male Protagonist - Chapter 39
The lord was feeling uneasy.
He thought a blessing had rolled into Grunwald, but it turned out to be a blessing too great to handle.
“You are aware that Dale is His Majesty the Emperor, correct?”
He had known. Before collapsing, the Emperor had sent someone secretly.
When I heard that he might be taking up residence in Grunwald himself, I thought he was looking for a villa, but it was an undercover operation.
He was shocked but dared not object.
Yet when he awoke from his semi-conscious state, something even more shocking had occurred.
“Miss Anne is actually Lady Enya Lockheart.”
“What did you say?!”
“Everything must be kept strictly confidential. Understood?”
“But is that even possible?”
“We just have to follow and do as His Majesty and the Lady wish. Miss Anne believes Dale to be a servant of the Lord’s castle, so we must coordinate our stories accordingly.”
Yurta’s words nearly sent him into a coma again.
Why were they here under aliases?
But the Lord of Grunwald, as wise as he was old, knew better than to let his curiosity get the better of him.
Lady Lockheart is Anne.
The Emperor is Dale.
But it was overwhelmingly burdensome.
“My Lord, your hand seems to be trembling. Are you alright? Do you need some medicine?”
“I am perfectly healthy. And as for speaking informally… How can I address the precious child of another’s family in such a manner? Haha…”
The Lord took a long drink of water.
“But I wonder, you two, or rather, both of you, how long do you intend to stay in our Grunwald? Or is it a permanent arrangement?”
“We might stay for a long time. Grunwald is a fine domain, after all.”
“Cough!!! I see. Haha. That’s very good.”
The Lord laughed awkwardly, his hand holding the glass trembling.
Even among nobles, these two were exceptionally noble.
“The ring on that finger must be your wedding bands then.”
“This is a ring Dale gifted me.”
“Dale did?”
Enya pointed to her right ring finger.
“This was a ring bought hastily for our marriage vows.”
Then she pointed to her left ring finger.
“And this ring is a diamond one Dale gave me recently. He gave it as an official wedding ring.”
“Oh! Is that so! It’s very beautiful.”
The lord admired the ring Dale had given, praising its beauty.
Enya thought it was truly pretty too. Dale had an excellent eye for such things.
Dale had given her this ring as a token of appreciation for the clothes she had gifted him, but it seemed far more expensive than any apparel could be.
Was he financially okay?
Despite the money he had received from her, she thought,
‘I need to keep a close watch on Dale. With such a kind heart, he’s easy prey for being taken advantage of.’
“Dale must love Miss Anne very much.”
“Yes, Grandfather, I think so too.”
Sophia and the Lord smiled contentedly.
“Soon we might even hear the sound of a baby crying.”
Enya fanned her face, feigning embarrassment. The lord seemed very pleased with Dale too. But where could Dale be today, working so far away?
“That’s why, my Lord, I was hoping Dale could be reassigned to work within the Lord’s castle.”
“A position change, you say?”
The Lord’s pale eyes flickered.
“Well, that’s a good idea.”
He trembled, repeatedly drinking water.
“With the number of servants in the Lord’s castle increasing, it’s heart-wrenching to see Dale return so late from his distant work.”
“Haha… Indeed, that makes sense.”
“So, could you please ensure Dale can return home earlier?”
“Ha-ha, I will consult Dale about it.”
“Please do, I insist.”
“My Lord, where is Dale right now? I’d like to meet him briefly before I go. I’ll go to him, is he far?”
“Well, Dale is currently…”
“He’s gone to the harbor to deliver a letter.”
Yurta quickly intervened.
“Oh, the harbor.”
Enya glanced at the clock.
“Then I should head to the harbor too. It seems I have time.”
“He has another visit scheduled in a different territory after the harbor.”
Yurta added hastily as if trying to deter her.
That felt somewhat odd. Why hadn’t he mentioned it at the beginning?
Seeing her puzzled look, Yurta frowned apologetically.
“Dale requested not to tell you. He was worried you’d be concerned.”
“Is that so?”
She nodded, understanding,and sat back down.
“Okay, but please reduce his workload a bit, will you? It’s a request.”
“I’ll try to…”
Yurta started to say something, then stopped and firmly closed his mouth.