My Favorite Smut Author Is My Husband! - Chapter 29
“Don’t comfort me! You lied to me!”
Lily used all her strength to break free from Ashulin’s arms, letting out one of the words that had been boiling inside her. She realized that there was no going back now.
“You mean to say I lied to you? This must be a misunderstanding, Lily. I’m sure whatever it is, it’s my fault, but if you’d only tell me, I’d explain…”
“Are you just going to keep pretending? You promised we’d be honest and true to each other as husband and wife!”
“Ashulin, why won’t you hold me until the end? Why do you avoid me every night?”
Before bringing up the topic of the novel, Lily unwittingly voiced the disappointment that had been bothering her.
For Ashulin, it was a direct question that left him speechless. If he answered honestly, he feared being seen as a beast, yet if he tried to dodge it, he wouldn’t be a truthful husband to her.
“Is it because I didn’t fulfill my duty properly on our first night? Or because I wasn’t more reserved and modest?”
Ashulin decided he’d rather be treated as a beast than let her doubt his sincerity, but Lily’s disappointment poured out even faster than he could respond. She spoke in a rapid flow, her words spilling out along with her tears.
“Now that we’re married, do you regret making me your wife?”
“No, Lily! Not at all! I love you. Every day, I thank the heavens for the blessing of having you as my wife. Not once have I ever regretted it!”
“But it’s true you avoid me every night! That… that…”
Despite everything, Lily wanted to believe his words, but her heart was overwhelmed with feelings she could barely describe. She struggled to catch her breath, then suddenly turned and ran out of the office toward the library.
Without caring for the surprised glances of the servants, she dashed off in a haze.
The sound of her ragged breaths echoed in his ears.
“Lily! Don’t go!”
But Ashulin, not knowing where Lily was heading, felt a wave of terror course through him as though his blood had drained to his feet, believing she was leaving him. He chased after her, grabbing her hand, but she brushed him off coldly.
“Let go!”
With a trembling voice, she pushed him away, gasping with frustration, and entered the study.
She stormed over to the shelf where she knew he had carefully arranged the books after that day—the day that, now, seemed like a dream where they had once shared their love.
“Why?! You can write things like this but don’t want to do them with me?!”
The carefully handled works of author “K” tumbled to the floor at their feet, scattering into disarray. It looked like a mess—just like her heart—and the tears she had briefly held back began to pour down again.
“You… you wrote this… didn’t you?” Ashulin stammered. “Lily, did you read this?”
“I’ve known since before we married that you’re ‘K,’ the author of these novels!”
Ashulin looked more flustered than he had even when she had spilled tea on him. It was undeniable—he was author “K.” Lily had only started suspecting him after they married, but the timing didn’t matter.
“Even if I married you as a fan, that doesn’t change that I’ve come to fully love you. I’m as honest as I can be with you, so why couldn’t you tell me the truth?”
“Lily, please calm down. I didn’t write these.”
“Are you embarrassed by the explicit content and that’s why you’re hiding it? I’ve read it multiple times and even expressed how much of a fan I am!”
Lily, still sobbing, wondered which was more embarrassing: admitting that she was a fan of his work or him owning up to writing it. She thought, even as her tears fell, that he might feel more embarrassed about being the author.
Would he finally be honest with her when the shame was equal?
“I… I even… I even used your book to pleasure myself!”
Seeing the dazed look on his face, Lily scrubbed away her tears and flung herself at him.
Even as they toppled over, his hands wrapped around her head to shield her, a warmth she cherished. How could someone so gentle make her feel this way?
“I understand you prefer a more modest, restrained woman. I can be that for you next time. But today…”
Her sky-blue eyes darkened, flashing with a fierce spark.
Ashulin called her name a few more times, but she remained resolute, reaching for his trousers.
“Today… I’m casting aside all restraint. I’m going to have you.”
With her words, her hand tore off the button of his pants, revealing what had been neatly concealed.
The long-held mystery of his left-side storage was finally before her, but she had no time to dwell on it. She had to awaken it before he could stop her.
It reminded him of a morning once before—except this time, he wasn’t already fully risen.