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Once upon a time,

In a bizarre village cut off from the outside world called Mindié, lived Cinq, who was known as ‘Red Riding Hood’.

She belonged to Vinya, the brothel keeper, and the village’s highest authority, the priest known as ‘White Goat’, cherished her deeply.

The villagers whispered that the first person to remove her red hood would be the ‘White Goat’.

However, on the eve of the new year, a fugitive clad in a wolf-shaped helm and covered in wounds appeared, striking down Vinya and claiming the brothel keeper’s bed as his own.

Thanks to the ‘Wolf’, Cinq gained her freedom, and she decided to tend to the injured wolf for a little while…




The wolf spoke to Cinq as she approached him.

“My dear Cinq, place the galette and wine on the cupboard, then come here, take off your clothes, and lie down with me.”

Cinq removed her red hood and coat, approached the bed, and spoke,
“Lord Wolf, what muscular arms you have.”

The wolf lowered his gaze calmly and whispered in a gentle voice,
“The better to hold you close with.”

“What long legs you have.”
“The better to run swiftly with while holding you.”

Looking at the wolf, who pulled her into his embrace, Cinq brought up one one final matter.

“And… What big… thing… you have…”

The wolf revealed his sharp, blade-like white teeth and smiled contentedly.

“The better to eat you with, little one.”

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