The Dragon Duke's Wife - Chapter 39
Ancia was moved to Khalid’s bedroom and remained in bed for over three days.
After their crazy lovemaking, she was bedridden for more than ten days due to exhaustion. Her body, having swallowed Khalid’s Dragonheart, adapted to it, constantly generating heat. She began to equate heat with pleasure, and Khalid continued to lust after her, claiming he was only helping.
“You’re just using helping as an excuse to do this.”
“I’ve waited long enough, so please bear with me. When I think about how much I’ve yearned for this, no matter how much I take from you, it still feels like it’s not enough.”
He would soothe her sweating body with gentle touches before diving in again.
“The terms of the contract don’t even matter anymore. I was always going to feed you the Dragonheart if you couldn’t adapt to my energy. I tried to ease the transition, but it was still really difficult.”
He kissed her cheek softly. The kiss deepend, and once again, their bodies intertwined.
Ancia still couldn’t remember when she first met him, but at that moment, it didn’t seem to matter anymore.
It was during one of those days that Eleanor came to say her goodbyes.
There was a guest at home, but instead of properly treating her, Ancia had been in bed the whole time with Khalid.
The embarrassment, shame, and guilt of failing to fulfill her duties overwhelmed her. She wished that Khalid would have at least treated their guest properly, but he had stayed by Ancia’s side, so the guest was completely ignored.
But even then, a part of her felt joy, and that made Ancia feel guilty. She didn’t feel like a proper Duchess.
When she tried to get up and greet Eleanor in the living room, she found it difficult to even stand, let alone walk. Her muscles ached, and the soreness inside her from receiving Khalid felt like it was still there, opening her up.
Unable to put much effort into her appearance, she threw on a simple outfit and, supported by Khalid, made her way into the living room. She was taken aback when she saw Eleanor.
Eleanor sat on the sofa, surrounded by a cool, bluish aura of water. It felt like the scent of water, as sharp as the fire she had once sensed from Khalid’s body, pressed on her senses more strongly than ever.
For Ancia, it was overwhelming.
“A…a water dragon…”
“Sorry for the trouble, Ann.”
Eleanor said with a smile at her hesitant tone.
“You’ve completely transformed into a dragon’s mate now. It’s natural that I might feel uncomfortable for you. Fire dragons and water dragons are opposites.”
“Ann’s having a hard time, let’s get this over with,” Khalid muttered.
Eleanor sighed.
“Fire dragons are a real pain, they’re so violent. I’m sorry to leave Ann with someone like this.”
“Oh, no.”
“Still, now that you’re here, Ann, I can leave in peace. I plan to leave today. Before I go, I wanted to apologize for speaking in a way that could have caused confusion.”
“No, it’s fine. Thanks to what you said, Lady Eleanor… we’ve reconciled.”
Ancia’s face turned bright red. In hindsight, Eleanor had been the one who caused the misunderstanding, but if it hadn’t happened, she would have never expressed her feelings and they would have drifted apart without ever truly connecting.
“You knew everything, didn’t you, Lady Eleanor?”
“Do you think Kal would coddle a woman that he doesn’t even like? He’s not the type to be so kind-hearted. And the marriage ad? That was my idea. Kal looked so worn out.”
Khalid clicked his tongue. However, perhaps thinking that this was Eleanor’s way of speaking positively, he didn’t argue.
Eleanor sighed dramatically.
“Oh, the things I do… Being kind is almost a crime, isn’t it? I’ll accept it as fate. They say, when you save someone from drowning, they ask for your belongings in return. There are people who, after saving their life, want everything else in exchange.”
“Shut up. I told you, if you say anything unnecessary to Ann, I’ll kill you.”
“You’re something else, really. Instead of thanking me, you’re complaining? Didn’t you find your Heart because of me?”
Khalid quickly intervened. Ancia grabbed his arm.
“What kind of violent and rude thing is that to say? Lady Eleanor, what do you mean by that?”
“Oh, you haven’t heard this story yet? How embarrassing. Not even thanking the person who saved your life properly.”
“Six years ago, Khalid was directly hit by a firebomb in the war. He barely survived because of his dragon blood, but he came back charred from head to toe, looking like a monster.”
Ancia gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Eleanor sighed exaggeratedly.
“On the bright side, he became a full fire dragon thanks to the fire. At the time, Kal was looking for the angel who saved him by removing all the shrapnel from his body, refusing to give up on him, nursing him back to life. If it weren’t for you, no matter how much of a fire dragon he is, he would’ve died there.”
Ancia stared wide-eyed at Khalid, who was covering his face with one hand, his neck and ears burning bright red.