The Elven Duke Reluctantly Marries The Cursed Lady - Chapter 14
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- The Elven Duke Reluctantly Marries The Cursed Lady
- Chapter 14 - The Investigating Elf And How It All Began
Tritoma Celsia, a corrupt and well-known merchant, is a trader who imports all kinds of goods from industrial goods to daily necessities from other countries.
A long time ago, he sold low-quality products by tricking people into believing they were of the highest quality, but he was exposed and his notoriety spread everywhere. Of course, Tritoma was tried by the country and was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison.
Currently, he seems to have turned over a new leaf and is doing honest business. However, those who knew of his reputation long ago still point fingers at him and call him an unscrupulous merchant.
Tritoma is now 47 years old and is single. Although he seems to have several wives and children, he does not have an official wife.
He does not seem to be thinking of passing on the business to a successor, and is still doing business freely.
However, it seems his nature has not changed, and is still doing business that borders on the illegal.
Hydrangea’s head ached when he saw the report.
He was, as the rumors say, a man full of problems.
In the meantime, he sent a letter to Count Northpole saying that he would like to meet him and discuss the matter.
Count Northpole’s issue was not the only problem that Hydrangea had to deal with.
When he announced his engagement to Violette, he received a mountain of letters asking him to reconsider his decision.
Among them, the king’s brother Shamrock vehemently opposed the engagement as he wanted him to marry his daughter.
Prince Shamrock’s daughter was only 7 years old and was not yet of marrying age. He begged Hydrangea to wait 10 more years, but he politely declined.
It was painful for Hydrangea to be asked to break off his engagement wherever he went. Such questions only motivated him to get married as soon as possible.
However, the problem involving Count Northpole prevented him from doing so.
Hydrangea was told he could come over anytime, so he decided to go and ask about the matter right after he finished work.
Count Northpole greeted Hydrangea with a look of complete horror on his face.
“Apologies, I did not expect to meet His Excellency today.”
“Don’t mind it. I used Transfer Magic to get here, so it only took me a moment.”
“But I heard that such high-level magic burns up a large amount of mana.”
“It’s no trouble.”
Basic knowledge about magic seems to have been drilled into him.
It’s rare for non-magic users to be concerned about those who could use magic.
“I appreciate your concern.”
“No, it was just something my sister said.”
“Lady Violette?”
“Yes. She has always been more interested in magic than most people and she used to read magic books behind our father’s back.”
“I see.”
When I met her the other day, she was very eager to learn magic right away.
I even remember how I couldn’t contain my happiness as I carefully looked her over when she ran towards me in cat form.
“Umm, also, thank you for the firewood. Thanks to that, we have been sleeping well at night.”
“Then I shall have more delivered.”
“N-no, you don’t need to go that far.”
“It doesn’t cost much to buy firewood anyway, so don’t mind it.”
While they were talking, the butler came in with some tea. His forehead was beaded with sweat and appeared as if he made the tea in a rush.
Since there are only a few servants, he must have been the only one who welcomes guests, guides them inside, and makes tea.
Thinking of the butler’s hard work, Hydrangea took a sip of his tea. The tea was thin and had no aroma at all.
When he was wondering when he could start the conversation, Count Northpole spoke up first.
“Umm, actually, I also had something to talk to you about…”
Count Northpole’s eyes were moist as he began to speak.
“I would like to talk about my sister Violette’s dowry and belongings.”
If it’s about her daily necessities, then I already have it prepared. I should ask just in case.
“Well, father had already prepared her dowry, but…”
Sweat dripped like raindrops from Count Northpole’s forehead. The way he perspired was unusual, and his pallid color concerned Hydrangea.
“What’s wrong? Has her dowry been stolen?”
“N-no, it’s not like that…”
Should I make another guess? I’m a little uncertain, but it’s a waste of time to wait for him to say it. And so, Hydrangea asked without hesitation.
“Then, has it been stolen by that unscrupulous merchant?”
Count Northpole’s eyes widened and he trembled all over.
Looks like I was right.
Just what kind of situation is it that he even has to give away the dowry? I’m disgusted.
“Why would you do such a thing? Don’t you dote on your sister? I’m not saying this just because I want the dowry.”
If it’s money, then there’s plenty to go around.
He just wanted to know what kind of situation prompted him to use his sister’s dowry.
“I-it’s b-bec-because there w-were some unforeseen circumstances.”
“Care to elaborate?”
Count Northpole pursed his lips again.
“If you don’t want to say it, then I’ll make you.”
Hydrangea held out his hand and cast a spell on Count Northpole. It was a spell that interfered with the mind and made the affected person confess.
“Tell me, or I’ll make you suffer.”
Confession Magic is a type of magic that steadily makes the affected person suffer the more they don’t answer what is asked while the caster moves their fingers like a conductor. The spell is deployed after it is chanted and its effect manifests on its target. It is a simple spell that does not require the use of the crystal staff.
Afflicted by the Confession spell, Count Northpole pressed down on his neck until the whites of his eyes showed.
“Why did you hand your sister’s dowry to Tritoma Celsia?”
This was the first time Hydrangea had used this type of spell on an innocent person. According to the magic book, if the afflicted did not confess immediately, the person would suffer so much pain that they would vomit blood.
But Count Northpole would not speak even after ten, twenty, or thirty seconds have passed.
The man was as stubborn as a rock.
“I will ask again. Count Northpole, why did you give away the dowry?”
“Stop it! Stop making my brother suffer!”
The doors opened with a bang as Violette rushed into the guest room.