The Elven Duke Reluctantly Marries The Cursed Lady - Chapter 65
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- The Elven Duke Reluctantly Marries The Cursed Lady
- Chapter 65 - The Peeking Elf And His Practicing Wife
Persuaded by Prince Magnolia, Hydrangea had ended up going home even though it was still early.
However, the servants were busy cleaning during this time, so nobody would be able to attend to him. Not wanting to disturb them, he teleported to the garden instead of his private chambers.
But that was a mistake, because the garden in the Laudense estate was huge.
The central part of the garden boasted a giant fountain and several gazebos with seasonal flowering plants of various colors planted around it. Herbs used in potion making were raised in the medicinal plant garden, while the edge of the garden featured a glass greenhouse where plants growing on temperate regions were being raised.
The thing that he put the most effort in was growing roses in the rose garden.
Aside from being used as an ingredient in magic potions and such, it is said that roses are also effective in warding off evil. To this extent, he had hired specialist gardeners to grow different varieties through selective breeding.
Among them, he was especially proud of the “Scarlet” variety which produced red roses all year round. It was a unique rose variety that Hydrangea and the gardeners worked together to produce.
Feeding on mana present in the atmosphere and bathing in moonlight, it produced beautiful flowers only at night.
He was glad he had appeared near the Scarlet patch, but he was startled when he heard the voice of women chattering nearby.
“Is that a Scarlet?”
“Yes, Madam.”
It was Violette and Verbena.They did not appear to be alone, since he also heard the footsteps of several attendants.
Hydrangea unconsciously hid behind one of the rose bushes.
“I was very surprised. They look like normal roses at first, but they do not bloom even though they are bathed in sunlight.”
“Yes, indeed. Curious, isn’t it?”
Why did I suddenly hide? I am the master of the house. Isn’t it fine to just show myself?
But for some reason, he found it hard to leave his hiding place.
He felt bad for surprising Violette if he suddenly appeared again. And so, he thought of how to make an appearance.
Violette came close to one of the Scarlet’s buds and smelled it.
“Fufu, it smells so nice.”
Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the rose with rapt attention.
At that moment, Hydrangea felt quite embarrassed.
Is it because the rose she is admiring was my creation?
He felt a strange sensation in his chest as his heart pounded at the thought.
“Is it more fragrant when in full bloom?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Have you seen it before?”
“It is a flower that only blooms at night. Alas, Master has told us not to come near the Scarlet roses when they bloom.”
“Oh, why not?”
“It exudes strong mana, so I reckon ordinary folks would not be able to withstand it.”
It was a rose used as a material for magic. Of course it was no ordinary flower.
Hydrangea had ordered everyone but the gardeners who were well-versed in magic to avoid touching the Scarlet roses when it was in full bloom.
“If Madam wishes to see it, why not ask Master?”
“Do you think he would permit it?”
“Why, of course. It’s his cute wife asking after all.”
“But he unwillingly married me.”
“There is no such thing.”
Verbena had made an outrageous suggestion. Why not practice pleading with the Master?
“But you don’t just beg. You have to tilt your head at an angle and ask him in your sweetest voice.”
“Th-that’s embarrassing.”
“If you’re not this obvious and flirtatious, you would not be able to convince him.”
Violette’s cheeks were gradually tinted a rosy red.
“Here, I’ll show you how it’s done.”
Verbena took a deep breath and slightly bended her knees. Clasping her hands against her chest, she tilted her head at an angle and said,
“My love, this wife of yours has a favor to ask! I want to see the Scarlet flowers in full bloom!”
Verbena’s voice was higher than usual. She even blinked excessively while showing Violette how to plead with her husband. A cold wind blew through the garden. For a moment, it was as if time had stood still.
“Oh my, Verbena! Fufu, that’s ridiculous…!”
A laugh escaped Violette. She placed a hand over her mouth as she laughed out loud.
Her smile was more brilliant and beautiful than any of the flowers in the garden, and Hydrangea could not help but be captivated by it.
“Give it a try, Madame.”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“Oh, don’t be shy!”
With Verbena’s encouragement, Violette decided to practice asking for favors.
Ahem! Violette took a deep breath after clearing her throat. Then, she brought her hands to her chest and said,
“Dear husband, I have a favor to ask. Could you please let me go see the Scarlet roses in the garden when they bloom?”
Unlike Verbena’s example, hers was more modest and adorable.
Hydrangea’s face burned hot, so he rolled on the ground, unable to look directly at Violette. Just then, a shadow approached him.
[Oi, what are you doing here?]
Starled, he got up with a gasp.
Pomeranian and Snow White had found him crouched in a gap between the rose bushes.
Snow White threw a menacing hiss at Hydrangea intending to play the part of a knight.
[Peeping on your wife isn’t a commendable hobby, you know.]
“I’m not peeking!”
[Or is it not enough to watch her through the crystal anymore?]
Just like Pomeranian had pointed out, Hydrangea had always observed Violette through a crystal. With such a record, anything he said was not credible. He was completely reaping what he sowed.
[What about work?]
“Prince Magnolia told me to go home.”
[You were laid off?]
“Of course not!”
He took out a pair of tickets from his pocket and showed it to Pomeranian.
“He ordered me to go see this with her tonight.”
[Ho? He told you to go to the theater in town with your wife who is afflicted with a curse?]
“These are special balcony seats, so no man would be able to go near her. Besides, if anything happens, people would not find anything strange no matter what since a mage like me is accompanying her.”
[Well, elves are strange beings to begin with.]
Hydrangea did not want to be told off by Pomeranian who was more of a mysterious being than an elf. However, it was not the time to argue, so he bit back his retort.
[If you are going to invite her, you better ask her right away. Women take time to get ready after all.]
“You’re right.”
Just then, Snow White began to growl fiercely.
“My, did you see something, Snow White?”
Violette approached, with Verbena following behind.
“Maybe it’s just a cat. Some seem to have been staying in the garden.”
The cats Verbena mentioned were the strays that Hydrangea had been feeding.
He had not seen them in the backyard, but he had no idea that they had taken up residence in the garden. While thinking about it, Violette came closer and peeked into the bush where Hydrangea was hiding.
“What would a cat do in such a place?”
Violette smiled as she peeked into the bush but her expression froze as soon as she had taken a look.
Her surprise was understandable. She had gone to peek into the bushes thinking it was a cute cat, but she came face to face with Hydrangea instead.