The Malicious Member is Back! - Chapter 40
Even after our secret conversation at dawn, Ji Hwa Sung’s attitude didn’t dramatically change. But as always.
It’s the subtle differences that lead to more significant change.
After breakfast, the dance practice continued.
In the same quiet atmosphere as yesterday, with the song thumping loudly as everyone danced, Ji Hwa Sung suddenly stopped the music and called out to Logan. It was right after Logan had passed the step he had messed up 7 times the day before.
“H-holy. Hwa Sung, why?”
“…Why are you so startled? Do I look like I’m going to eat you?”
“No, it’s just…”
I had to suppress a laugh at Logan, who looked at me with eyes like a scolded puppy. Why is he so cute, really?
Ji Hwa Sung, alternating his gaze between me and Logan, muttered, barely audible.
“…Well done.”
“Oh, Sorry? What did you say? Sorry, I didn’t hear you!”
“Ah, I said well done!”
Ji Hwa Sung’s shout echoed through the practice room.
At first glance, it seemed no different from yesterday’s scolding, perhaps even more intense.
But the content was not angry.
I quickly spoke to Logan, who was looking at Ji Hwa Sung with wide eyes.
“He said you did well. You didn’t mess up the part you did yesterday. I saw it too, Logan. You’ve improved a lot. Good job.”
“Oh? Really!? Wow, thank you, Hwa Sung. And thank you, Chunyong hyung! This is the first time I’ve gotten such a compliment!”
“Does he always have to shout his praise? Classic Ji Hwa Sung, the very spirit of Stalin.”
Logan was purely delighted, and Gao Yan standing beside him grumbled with a pout.
“What’s the matter? Are you upset because he didn’t praise you?”
“Chunyong hyung, no! I do well even without Ji Hwa Sung’s praise!”
“Oh really?”
Ji Hwa Sung flashed his usual confident smile and playfully wrinkled his nose.
“Well, I thought Gao Yan did well too… but if you don’t want to hear such things, I can’t help it. From now on, I’ll practice without praising Gao Yan.”
“Why! Praise me too!”
“Look at you, flip-flopping. You just said you do well without my praise, didn’t you?”
Realizing the contradiction in his own words, Gao Yan quickly responded with an even faster accent than me, a native Korean.
“That’s different. There’s a Korean saying that even a whale dances when praised. Gao Yan dances better than a whale when praised.”
After hearing Gao Yan’s words, Ji Hwa Sung let out a resigned laugh and suddenly put an arm around his shoulder.
“Gao Yan, you’re really funny, you know? Hey, you’re really entertaining!”
“What’s with the sudden informal speech!”
“Why not? You’ve been speaking informally all along, can’t I? We’re friends, same age friends!”
“…Now that you mention it, that makes sense. Me, Logan, and Ji Hwa Sung, we’re all friends.”
“Oh, then can I join in a hug too?”
Hugs are good, puppy. Logan approached with an invisible tail wagging, but Ji Hwa Sung firmly shook his head.
“No. Not now. We need to practice. Maybe later.”
“Then let’s practice now!”
“Gao Yan’s in too!”
In no time at all, the trio was in sync, helping each other with the choreography. Watching the trio’s odd camaraderie, Seo Bin mumbled in disbelief.
“…Can they really just make up like that in a day?”
I shrugged nonchalantly in response.
“They’re young, and the same age. It happens.”
“And what’s with you, talking like you’re 30 or something? You know you’re just as odd as they are, right?”
While I may have been close to thirty before my return, being pointed out by the oblivious Seo Bin was something else.
“Your shoulders are pretty stiff during the isolation part of the dance break.”
“When did you notice that?”
“We’re practicing in front of mirrors; of course, I noticed.”
Seo Bin’s comment upset me deep inside, so I grabbed his shoulder with a smile.
“I’ll help you out more.”
Teaching others was a way I noticed to quickly recover my own skills that had declined.
Consider this payback for all those times in the past you urged me to quit drinking, Seo Bin.
Seo Bin’s face went pale at the thought of rigorous training with me.
But what’s good is good, right?