The Malicious Member is Back! - Chapter 53
That wraps up my list of top favored and promising members.
Didn’t see the face you picked here?
Congratulations. You’ve picked an extra.
I sincerely hope he manages to push through with his hidden talents and narrative, enough to outshine the favored and promising members.
From what I’ve gathered, there was another under-the-radar trainee who didn’t make it into Queens’ debut group, but I don’t have enough info to elaborate confidently. There’s less information than Kim Joo An. My guess is it’s him. He’s good-looking, but a bit too sharp-featured.
He might just be the one Moon criticized for having a “tacky” name at the end of the trailer… Why is he more famous for his name, rather than his looks or skills? Was it something like Chunsik or Bongchun… Anyway,
Don’t put too much faith in my words. This is just speculation based on the 12 survival shows I’ve watched. If the one you’re rooting for is destined to debut, they will, regardless.
If you found this insightful, punch in my referral code: sodjia892.
I’ll be back when the second trailer and original song are released.
Reading through the raw commentary, I couldn’t help but snicker.
The response from the community wasn’t much different from before.
[“Chunsik? That’s quite a unique name.”]
[“No way an idol trainee would debut with the name Chunsik; they’ll probably use a stage name.”]
The difference now? People are gossiping about my name.
Previously, I debuted under the name Rex, so there was no comment from Moon at the end.
“To say my ‘tacky’ name is more infamous than my face or talent? That’s too harsh!”
I silently screamed, clutching the sink.
“What’s wrong with my name…?”
Chunyong, Chunyong. The dragon of spring. It’s only cute.
How could my name even be compared to Chunsik or Bongchun?
-“God, Chunyong, are you still throwing up? We need to go back down for group practice soon! Should I tell the writer you’re sick?”
“No, no! I didn’t throw up!”
– X: Every time something’s on, you lock yourself in the bathroom, making everyone think you’re throwing up, idiot LOL
Right after replying to Logan, I rolled my eyes at the message X shot me.
– Kim Chunyong: Or you could just change the notifications and app interface ;;
– Kim Chunyong: What do my roommates think of me? My image is totally trashed. Seriously, do you wanna die?
– X: What’s with that -_- Why are you biting my head off? After everything I’ve done for you
– X: Seriously ungrateful SMH, keep this up, and I might just stop helping ;;
– Kim Chunyong: All you’ve done is raise my blood pressure, you jerk
– Chunyong, are you really okay? It’s time to go!
“Coming! Coming!”
I bolted out of the bathroom, flinging my phone onto the bed, and headed out of the dorm.
Whether X f*cked with me or the roommates started mistaking me for a vomitter
Now that the first trailer’s out, and the day to showcase our original song is rapidly approaching, all trainees will be fully revealed after filming our stage performances.
Until then…
It’s practice till death.
* * * *
[<Targeting Star> ‘Aiming’ Performance Video]
The second trailer and original song video for <Targeting Star> were quickly released.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of the main writer Lee Hyeon Jeong and Joo Cheol Yong PD, who practically whipped everyone into shape, sparing neither the trainees who danced all night on stage nor the editing staff who slaved away.
– “Hello, Star Shooters! We are the trainees of Targeting Star!”
After all the trainees greeted together, the video showcasing their performances of ‘Aiming’ on three circular stages quickly topped the WeTube music section, going viral and becoming the number one trending video.
Additionally, the fact that <Targeting Star> sneakily made its way into the ending credits of the weekly music show “Music Music Today” every Thursday meant nearly every idol fan became aware of the show’s existence.
[Who the f*ck made this? I can’t believe it. Who made this set? It’s a mess, can’t even see the kids’ faces. Who designed this crappy set?]
[⎿Right? What’s the point of a good song and choreography? Has the PD of MUDE survival lost their touch?]
[⎿Guys, that’s not the point right now. Si Woo looks so handsome… Forget 47.5 seconds guy, let’s talk about 1 minute 20 seconds guy.]
[⎿If you picked a trainee just for their face, please leave.]
[AG Hardware Co. @HARDWARE_store]
(Photos) (Photos) (Photos) (Photos)
[What a surprise… Honestly, AG fans know how much of an improvement this is ㅠㅠ Tears come to my eyes thinking about how our Swans’ debut showcase video tanked, f*ck. But first, let’s appreciate Jaeha’s face]
[⎿@jjjjjjjjjjikmug But who’s that in the very center dancing insanely well? Is that Liu Wei?”]
[⎿The industry is scary @notmeee47291
Nope, that’s not Liu Wei. Liu Wei’s the dance center on the lower tier… Seems like there were other trainees who could dance well.]
[⎿ fell in love with a Chinese man… @alwaysliuuway]
[⎿Hey, can we avoid searches? LOL If you’re gonna post in a public account, be careful not to just throw names around? The search frenzy will start once the show airs, let’s be careful in advance ;;]
[⎿The industry is scary @notmeee47291 If @fleckpulim hadn’t commented, I wouldn’t have even noticed Liu Wei”]
Among the numerous reactions, the masterpiece was a new post by the same person who had previously written [Today’s Summary of Major Trainees in AG’s Survival].