The Monster's Room - Chapter 11
The sound of the joints moving was completely different from a human’s, yet whenever Marie showed any sign of discomfort, the dancer would stop and look at her with a faceless, pleading expression.
The consideration was almost better than what she would have expected from a person.
“…Down there.”
Marie had to admit that if she had to engage in s-x, this was likely to be more pleasurable.
“I like being touched here.”
She guided the dancer’s hand between her legs. When the hot male hand made contact with her secret area, her breath faltered. The dancer’s fingertips gently caressed her cli–ris and slipped into her wet opening.
A single finger entered easily.
Marie’s cheeks flushed. The sensation was distinctly different from the soft jelly eraser. The dancer’s fingers were firm and jointed. Though they couldn’t bend at impossible angles like the eraser, their presence was unmistakable.
“Ah, mmm.”
The rhythmic sounds of the dancer’s movements matched her moans.
Squeak, squeak.
“Down, ah. Move it, ah!”
The dancer continued to touch her with precision, intensifying her pleasure. It felt good. The gentle, respectful touches easily ignited her desire. Every time the dancer’s finger moved, a soft, wet sound echoed. It was a different, raw sound from what she experienced with the jelly eraser.
“Ahh, oh! Ohhh!”
Marie propped herself up slightly and hugged the dancer’s neck. Even with the considerate touches, she reached climax easily. The dancer then smoothed her back and laid her down again.
Tap. Tap.
“Haah. Haah.”
The heavy tip of the dancer’s organ touched her. Ignoring the other dancers surrounding the bed, Marie focused on the sight of the tip rubbing between her legs.
The dancer watched her intently as the tip approached. Marie hesitated but then nodded. The dancer’s tip pressed into her opening, causing her mouth to part as her body adjusted.
A fiery sensation was carving a path inside her.
Muscles rippled and flexed like waves. As the dancer, who was fluidly moving their waist, pressed Marie’s hands together, she wrapped her legs around the dancer’s waist.
Something like a steel spike jabbed into her insides.
“Ah, mmm, ahh! Ohh! Haah!”
Squeak. Squeak! Squeak!
The dancer’s waist, whipping like a whip, made both Marie and the bed scream. Marie could hear the sound of their bodies slapping together, how certain areas were stimulated and how she moaned in response.
“The sounds, sounds, huh!”
Due to the opera house’s acoustics, the sounds from the stage filled the space effectively.
Trapped beneath the hot, solid body, Marie cried out. Filling her with jelly tendrils was different from being penetrated by a nearly identical human organ. With each thrust, her entrance was stimulated, and her walls were pounded like with a stick.
The rounded tip, which seemed smooth from the outside, felt like it was stabbing her insides when it reached deep, almost as if it was pricking her with a sharp point.
“Ahh, mmm, ahh, ohh!”
The dancer’s waist, which had been undulating sharply, was now starting to slow.
The dancer, having climaxed inside her, trembled and fell onto Marie. The dancer, panting and with their back inflating and deflating heavily, leaned their weight on Marie.
Without realizing it, Marie found herself stroking the back of the dancer’s neck and shoulders. Huff. Puff. Marie thought, panting, that this might be what a short but intense s*x, which she might have experienced normally in a relationship, felt like.
<How was it?>
But the SCP didn’t give her any time to savor the moment.
<Did you like that dancer?>
Marie remained silent once again.
<It’s okay! We have many dancers!>
<Drag the eliminated one out.>
The voice from the gramophone was colder than when it addressed Marie. Dancers who had been outside the bed roughly dragged the dancer who had been with Marie out.
Thud! Thud! Marie was startled as the dancer, like a puppet with its strings cut, fell off the stage. She quickly got up, shocked.
<Oh! Did you like the first dancer after all?>
<Is that so?>
Marie, who had been on the verge of bolting, straightened her body again. The area below, where the dancer’s organ had been forcefully removed, felt sore. Despite the viscous fluids pooling around, Marie didn’t even think of trying to hide them.
<Then, the next dancer!>
A dancer with dark, jaguar-like skin climbed onto the bed. Even though they only placed one knee on the bed, they exuded a languid aura.
<Will this time be the one to be chosen? An eagerly anticipated show!>
<Who will be the dancer to win your favor?>
“Aah, mmm! Ahh!”
The second dancer was aggressive from the start.
Grabbing Marie’s ankles and spreading her legs wide, they immediately inserted two fingers, spreading her open and scraping out a substance resembling se-en. The dancer’s curved fingers stimulated her insides roughly, while their palm pressed down on her cli–ris.