The Monster's Room - Chapter 5
Marie was terrified by how good she felt, as if she were on drugs and unable to think clearly.
However, the tongue that was probing her folds refused to let up. There was no way to reject the persistent presence that followed her head’s movements and relentlessly kissed her.
After three more times, as she reached climax and her fluids overflowed, Marie could no longer produce moisture from below and had to rely on what remained. That alone was overwhelming, but when the fluid ran low, the creature changed the shape of its tendril’s end.
“Ah, aah…”
It took on the unmistakable form of a heavy, phallic shape. Trembling, Marie could only watch as it rubbed against her. It lightly pressed her sensitive cli–ris, then rhythmically tapped her closed entrance.
“Ugh, ah.”
The tapping made her feel pain or perhaps an itch. It continued with a rhythmic thudding that eventually pierced inside her.
Instead of pain, it felt more like a tingling sensation.
The forced stretching of her walls and the quick impact at her cervix made her shut her eyes tightly. What followed was a cooling sensation. The pleasure felt like it was scratching the exact spot of her discomfort, causing her mouth to open.
The phallic shape moved rhythmically, and before long, Marie was arching her back, gripping tightly as she climaxed.
Something warm dripped down. It was surprising that there was still moisture left to release.
“Ah, wait.”
But something seemed off. There was a change happening at the deepest part. It felt like the inside was being licked…
“Stop, this is strange.”
Marie’s jaw trembled.
The transparent jelly eraser, with its exceptional learning ability, had once again changed its form. The split lips were now grinning widely. Emerging from between them was a grotesque, phallic shape.
And then.
“…No way.”
Seeing the tongue attached to the tip of the phallic shape, Marie realized what was happening inside her. The lips approached her. As it came right up to her face, it kissed her again, and Marie accepted the c-ck with the tongue into her throat.
The shock didn’t come only from above.
Marie’s thin belly skin quivered.
The tongue-tipped phalluses battered her rigid body, which had become stiff with shock. As if it were tanning leather, their relentless pounding caused Marie’s body to slowly loosen and become hot and soft.
Obscene noises filled the bathtub and the dreary room. Inside the tub, instead of transparent jelly, Marie’s body shook incessantly.
Unauthorized security clearance level.
Security clearance level adjustment.
Adjusting security level for D-1705.
[Transparent Jelly Eraser]
Serial Number: SCP-▉▉▉2
Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-▉▉▉2 is to be stored in a marble bathtub. It requires more than 10mL of moisture daily, and occasionally absorbs more. SCP Foundation personnel are prohibited from interacting with SCP-▉▉▉2 without special authorization. Furthermore, field agents managing SCP-▉▉▉2 are forbidden from touching it directly or causing loud stimuli.
SCP-▉▉▉2 is a transparent, jelly-like anomalous entity that erases whatever it engulfs in a random manner. In the case of humans, it can dissolve them instantly, but sometimes it only removes rare cancers or various diseases and lets them go.
It is highly sensitive to sound and will engulf whatever stimulates it.
Incident 1: SCP-▉▉▉2 had erased only the ▉ of individuals. This led to Incident 2, in which the ▉▉▉ of ▉▉ field agents were entirely erased… (Access to information is restricted).
Case 2: Fluffy Cotton Doll
Marie ultimately failed to escape on her own.
Ironically, it was the transparent jelly eraser that assisted her escape. Satisfied after consuming enough moisture, the creature wrapped its tendrils around Marie’s body and placed her in front of the containment door.
On the other hand, the Foundation did not open the containment door immediately for safety reasons. By their actions, one couldn’t tell who was truly dedicated to saving the world.
The situation didn’t improve afterward. People in protective suits lined the hallway. Marie, now naked, recoiled in shock, but they showed no interest in her emaciated body. No, they did have interest.
“Take a deep breath.”
It was an interest as an experimental subject, after all.
Marie was subjected to all kinds of tests with no chance to feel embarrassed. Unable to properly control her body, she was placed in a wheelchair and pushed around from one place to another.
X-rays, blood tests, ultrasounds, MRIs… Whether she fainted during the long, tedious tests or was simply drugged, Marie found herself lying in what seemed like a hospital bed when she awoke.
Above her head, an IV drip was visible. The sight of the dripping fluid seemed oddly surreal.
<D-1705. You’re quite lucky.>
The dark room brightened.
Marie cursed inwardly as she looked at the flickering screen. John Doe, the man who had brought her to the Foundation, was wiping his glasses on the noisy screen.
<SCP has only removed some of your bodily fluids, inflammation, and bruises.>
<You’ll just need to undergo a cognitive assessment and then you should be ready to return to duty.>
“……You were just, watching… me get hurt.”
Marie asked with a cracked voice. Through the screen, John Doe put his glasses back on.
The reflection on the lenses made his eyes hard to see.