The Nanny of House Herzen - Chapter 27
Evelyn was devastated, as if the child had already died.
Tears streamed down her face as she clasped her hands together in prayer, crawling on her knees to his feet, bowing her head against them.
“It, it was solely my decision to leave, please do not blame the child. The child knows nothing…”
His voice calling her name sounded tired, yet warm like those of some nights.
Evelyn barely stopped her sobs, then mustered the courage to look up at him.
“I’ve told you before, my patience is short, do not test it. Tell me the truth about why you tried to leave.”
Evelyn came to her senses with his words.
Kneeling and looking up, he seemed infinitely high above. Having run away when he showed her kindness like the sky, she knew she must be wise to save her life.
Especially since he did not hesitate to use the child’s life to threaten her. For Evelyn, she found the child’s life more precious than her own.
If she did not tell the truth, it would somehow come out anyway. This was his house, and everyone here was on his payroll.
Evelyn’s lips trembled as she began to speak.
“I suspected that the child was not of your bloodline.”
“The stablehand has been talking, I know. But that doesn’t make the child of your blood either.”
He was right. Evelyn swallowed hard.
“I dared… I opened the forbidden door. Not on purpose, but by mistake…”
“And that made me monstrous to you? Enough to run away with a child that’s not even your blood?”
“…I’m afraid you would abandon the child. Or kill her.”
“Is that all? You ran because you thought I would harm the child? What does that have to do with you?”
The Duke seemed utterly unable to understand her motivations. As if to ask what it mattered to her if he harmed the child or not.
Despite everything she had seen and heard, deep down, she had hoped he would say it wasn’t true, that he wouldn’t harm the child. Foolishly so.
But in the end, he was exactly the person she had suspected.
With tears streaming down her face, Evelyn confessed.
“A few months ago, I gave birth… but the baby died. I couldn’t even hold it before they passed.”
He listened silently.
“Like the young lady… they were blonde. I don’t know if it was a girl or a boy, or what color the eyes were. They never opened their eyes…”
Carius hesitated for a moment before speaking.
“…I know you cared for the child as if she was your own. That’s why I intended to have her baptized, though it’s a bit late now.”
Evelyn paused, surprised.
“I was thinking of sending her to the Akarna Monastery, but that’s too far…”
Akarna Monastery.
The monastery wasn’t just a place for orphans; it housed a priest as well. Her stepmother always mentioned that monastery because it was known for its distinguished priest.
Evelyn realized she had made a ridiculous misunderstanding. She had messed everything up.
For the first time, she met his gaze properly. The man, who had been misunderstood, was not angry. He just looked lonely.
Carius continued slowly,
“I thought you would be happy… I didn’t realize that running away from me was what you wanted. I was foolish.”
She should have apologized, admitting she was wrong, but the misunderstanding she had harbored was too deep and terrible to confess that she had thought he would kill the child.
Evelyn’s lips quivered but ultimately failed to form words. Carius sighed softly.
He suddenly stood up. As he opened a drawer, he placed a heavy-looking pouch in front of Evelyn.
“This is for the child. Although not my blood…the child is of the Herzen lineage. Technically, she could be considered a niece. But I don’t think I’ll ever be pleased to see her. Her crying is too loud, and I hate blonde hair. Take her and go far away by morning where I can’t find you.”
Evelyn stared blankly at the pouch.
She had thought it fortunate if she could save her life, even if driven out. To her, the baby was invaluable, but she never expected him to willingly let them go, not like this.
Evelyn couldn’t fathom how Carius had interpreted her silence, but as he laid another pouch down with a sigh, it seemed he had resolved something within himself.
“This should be more than enough… don’t resort to desperate measures. Find a safe place to live.”
That appeared to be all he had to say.
He stood up and gazed out of the window. Evelyn remained silent behind him, as still as a stone, for a long while.
“…Time for you to go. I need to rest.”
He gave a dismissal. Reluctantly, Evelyn stood up.
It had been the boldest action of her life. She had expected to face scorn, perhaps even physical punishment….and feared becoming one of the lifeless bodies from the rumors.
Yet now, there was a substantial sum of money before her, more than she had ever seen.
Evelyn couldn’t bring herself to pick up the pouch. Even if it was meant for the young lady, she felt she didn’t deserve it.
Her judgment had been flawed.