The Nanny of House Herzen - Chapter 51
Evelyn seemed to be able to love Carius even if she buried the secret of that room in her heart, but for Carius, there was no longer any reason to be misunderstood. He didn’t need to give her any more reasons to fret anxiously.
He had told her, honestly, that he didn’t like showing his unhappy past, and he made excuses about liking animals and being fascinated by anatomy. While he had once pursued taxidermy and dissection as hobbies, there was nothing for Evelyn to worry about. She simply believed him, even showing him a book about hunting she had taken from Lady Celsius’ bookstore.
When she asked if he wanted to cross the sea to see a tiger, Carius couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing him turn the incident into a joke made her quite relieved.
Carius gathered the thin ribbons he had been holding in each hand into one, then brushed his teeth against the nape of Evelyn’s neck.
It was more of a caress than a bite, and her soft laughter did not subside at all.
“Have you already given up? Can’t you manage it?”
Carius responded with a groan.
“…You wouldn’t understand a man’s feelings on his first night.”
“It’s not really our first night, though.”
Carius’s lips trailed up her white neck and lightly bit her delicate earlobe.
He whispered in her ear and asked.
“Is that why you’re so relaxed?”
“Of course not.”
When Evelyn turned her head towards him, his soft lips gently tugged at her lower lip. She parted her lips slightly, half-closing her eyes, and pleaded.
“So please untie me, okay?”
Just then, hurried footsteps retreated behind her with loud thuds.
He returned without a word and stood behind her again.
“Don’t move, it’s dangerous.”
“Just stay still… stay still.”
There was the sound of something being cut and a clang as a knife fell.
“Oh my gosh, Cari…”
Before she could finish saying his name, their lips met. The dress, which had been unfastened at the back, slid off like a shed skin. He simply pulled apart the layers of her undergarments and pressed his lips to her skin.
As the ball was in full swing, Evelyn’s swollen b*****s began to leak milk profusely.
“Haa… Carius.”
When he gently pushed the swaying Evelyn, she fell onto the bed with a soft thud.
Recently, the copious amount of milk she was producing was undoubtedly because of this man. Even though Johanson had lost interest in nursing and preferred other foods, her milk supply showed no signs of decreasing. Despite his claims that he didn’t desire her because of the milk, the man was still as fixated on it as a newborn.
The sound of milk squirting filled the room obscenely. The man, who had just hosted the grandest banquet in the kingdom, sucked on her b*****s as if he was famished.
While Evelyn surrendered her body, his nimble hands swiftly pulled away the remaining fabric from her lower body. As he kneaded her unsucked b*****s, his soaked hand slipped between her legs and explored it.
When several fingers plunged into the wet path and began to move, the tight space eagerly welcomed them. The walls of her insides contracted around his fingers, which then pressed firmly against a particular spot within.
Finally, Carius let go of her b****t and looked down at her with dark eyes.
“So wet. How long has it been like this…?”
Evelyn averted her gaze, but his free hand quickly came up to grasp her small chin.
“Answer me.”
At his teasing insistence, Evelyn bit her lip. He gently licked her lips to coax her.
His warm tongue traced her closed lips, then slid down her jawline to her chin. Following her jaw to the end, he nibbled lightly on her earlobe and whispered.
“…I want to know.”
Evelyn was naturally timid and often yielding to threats, she was even more susceptible to pleading. To him, she was more fragile than the smallest bird, making her all the more lovely.
True to form, she opened her lips and her eyes filled with tears.
“Earlier, since… this afternoon…”
“What time in the afternoon?”
As he asked persistently, Evelyn tightly shut her eyes. Even though she could have lied without anyone noticing, she braved the embarrassment to tell the truth.
The words that slipped from her red lips once again gripped the man’s heart and shook it completely.
“…Since we took our marriage vows.”
“At the chapel?”
Carius let out an incredulous laugh, causing Evelyn’s face to flush deeply.
“I didn’t realize you were this aroused, I kept you in the banquet hall too long.”
Despite having merely performed his duties as a host, Carius teased Evelyn as he said this. The saliva on their fervently joined lips glistened.
As Evelyn, overcoming her embarrassment, loosened his waistband, Carius’s smile grew more intense. His member sprang forth, brushing against her thigh.
“Want me to enter quickly?”
Barely nodding her head in anticipation, his heated s***t pierced her tight entrance.
It was his limit as well.