The Peerless Kobold - Chapter 103
“Garuvofu… Garuvofuh!?” [“Holy Beast”… A Holy Beast, you say!?]
Oh right, so the reason the Templar Knights were praying was because… Eh, seriously?
I closed my eyes and tried to recall the events during the subjugation of Alvesta, but I could not understand where that detail came from. It was Ax who finished him after all…
“Kuruoon, wauu. Guruu garuvofan.” [This is great, Ax. It seems you’re a Holy Beast now.]
“Wafi, kuruaan?” (Eh, what’s that? Is it delicious?)
I had a feeling that it was going to be troublesome, so I tried to push the credit to Ax, but Ernesta, who was in a corner of the wide room, shook her head and corrected me.
“No, you’re wrong… He meant you, Archer.”
“Gaon.” [I see.]
“The people from the Holy Church were kicking up a fuss and came to me this morning to get the details of the incident out to the public.”
The old Magician, Greio, who was standing nearby, supplements more details in response to the King’s statement.
“Sir Archer, in this case… A lot of people are not financially capable of evacuating from the Royal Capital, so we’ve been controlling the information to avoid chaos. The existence of Alvesta of the Black Rain was not made known to the public.”
…Even if it were to avoid chaos and mitigate the damages to the populace, some, especially the victims of the Bleeding Disease and their families, will probably distrust the state. But even if they tried to hide it, there was a high chance that eyewitnesses and the doctors who examined them might expose it.
“Gaoruwoan.” [That IS difficult.]
Ernesta let out a heavy sigh at my observation.
“It is…about two hundred people have already died due to the disease’s fast progression and the remaining 9000 people are receiving treatment in the medical facilities in and outside the town… so we have to be very careful about it, you see.”
“Gurua, kuruuoan… Wafiouaan.” (Hey Boss, I’m feeling a strange mood but… Is there a problem?)
“Wau, guruo voruoaoo.” [Well, it doesn’t really concern us.]
Since this issue was not directly related to us, I answered Lancer, who sensed the delicate atmosphere, in a small voice as the Old Magician Greio continued to speak again.
“For the meantime, the accounts of the investigation last night led the Royal Knights into recognizing Alvesta and pursuing it, while at the same time, the Templar Knights who were investigating it as well came into contact with it and during the time they were on the verge of being completely wiped out, the Sacred Beast arrived and defeated one of the Seven Plagues… Well, at least that is what we are going with.”
Then, in an aloof tone, King Alexius concludes,
“So in other words, you turned the public’s attention to the Sacred Beast who suddenly made an appearance so that their criticism towards how the state handled things would somewhat fade into the background. You even told them to make a big fuss of it in the Holy Church! You have my deepest gratitude for everything that you do.”
In other words, they were going to use the Holy Church to manipulate the interest and the impression of the people…
(You can never let your guard down with this King…)
“…….if the state receives unnecessary criticism, it will be too late to deal with the people suffering from the disease. You can ask all about it later, but first, we need to find a cure for the Bleeding Disease. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people, and even the nobility, who don’t understand such things.”
(Well, he is a good guy deep down inside, though…)
“Garuuan, kyuou…” [But is treating them possible…?]
“It’s not about being possible or not, but about doing your best.”
Without a pause, Ernesta added,
“Fortunately, reports have been coming in since this morning that the progression of the disease has slowed down. And with the defeat of the Black Rain, it may also be possible to treat it. I have also heard some interesting things from the doctors on the frontlines.”
“We have a plan to organize the doctors and apothecaries who have been dealing with them individually at my foster daughter’s suggestion and provide support from the Kingdom’s side. And by adding the priests from the Holy Church, we will also be eliminating any opposition to the plan.”
“Uruuo auooon.” [Looks like you put a lot of thought into this.]
And just as I was becoming impressed, someone knocked on the door.
“Pardon me for the intrusion, Your Majesty. This is Glen from the Magic Knights.”
“Very well, come in.”
With the King’s permission, the sallow-skinned Knight from the Eastern country who evoked nostalgia within me bowed and entered the room.
“What’s the matter, did a visitor arrive on short notice?”
“Yes, well…Someone claiming to be the Head warrior of Lucua village is here to see the rumored Sacred Beast…”
“Lucua village? I’ve never heard of that name before…”
“Your Majesty, it is a village of demi-human cat people who live on the part of Easteria forest that is not under our country’s jurisdiction. Lord Ferias has allowed trade relations between them and the town of Wyald and Viel village, and their relations have been good ever since…”
If it’s the Head warrior of Lucua village, then it could only be Wallace… Now that’s a name you don’t usually get to hear in these parts.
“Easteria forest… Do you know them?”
“Wafu.” [Yes.]
“Very well, let’s wrap this up for today then. Now, if you’ll just let me feel your fur…”
“Garuruuh!” [NO!]
The room Glen guided us to was smaller compared to the room earlier, but it was a part of the Castle, so it was still wide enough to fit the five of us, including Ax, who had a large physique.
And in that room, a black-haired, cat kin warrior wearing a traveler’s cloak waited for us. Just like always, he still looks like a youthful gentleman… even though he already has a daughter around my age.
“!! So you were the Sacred Beast of Selkram they were talking about!”
Wallace got up from his seat with a clatter as he caught sight of us.
“I have an urgent request. Let’s move somewhere so you can write on the ground.”
“Guu, vanguua garuoooan.” [No, I can speak telepathically, so we can just talk here.]
Wallace’s ears and tail stood on end when I suddenly spoke to him.
“I thought you were just wearing a weird mask, but I guess you’ve always been one of those guys who goes off the beaten path.”
He nodded earnestly. I guess this pure Mithril half-mask looks strange after all… Although, it is pretty convenient.