The Peerless Kobold - Chapter 122
It has already been a month ago… since Ernesta and her unit discovered our settlement in the Steele river basin and I told Buster to move our pack to the cave near Lucua village when we left the forest.
And so, after Miss Serena got off from the wagon at Wyald village, I asked the coach driver to proceed until the entrance of Easteria forest, where Lucua village was nearby.
Since there were no passable roads for four-wheeled wagons in the forest beyond this point, we had to say goodbye to the two young Magic Knights who both served as our coach drivers and escorts.
“Thank you very much for all you’ve done for us.”
“Take care, Sir Archer, Sir Wallace!”
“Guruo wouruaan, guaau, ugaru.” [Thank you for everything, Joyce, Ricar.]
“Thank you for sending us home. It would have been difficult for us to get back on our own with little Lilia here.”
Well, in the 6 days that we ate and slept together since we left the Royal Capital, we had also gotten a chance to get to know each other, so it couldn’t be helped that we were a bit reluctant to part with them…
“Waoa~n♪” (Bye-bye♪)
“Kuaruou worukuouu.” (Take care on your way back!)
“…Waoauh.” (… Goodbye.)
It was unusual for Blazer to join my sister and Ax as they said goodbye to the two even though their words could not be understood. Similarly, Esther and her daughter Lilia also bid them farewell.
Well, we can’t just stay here saying goodbye forever…
“Guruo, uwooonn!!” [Let’s go, everybody!!]
“Wauh, gurugauruoaan…” (Aah, we can finally return to the pack…)
“Gauua, guuoaru garukuaaan♪” (The forest is the most relaxing place after all♪)
“Deruweru foreo…” (Hmm, this is quite a nice forest, isn’t it…)
After I called out to everyone, I took the initiative and set foot inside the forest where the temperature was slightly cooler, and the smell of earth and trees was stronger.
(It’s certainly calmer around here… Let’s drop by Lucua village for now.)
As I was thinking that it would not be bad to drop by Lucua village on the way to the cave where the pack evacuated, Wallace walked up to me.
“Mr. Archer, how are we to go about teaching your pack the common language through your silver mask? I am the head warrior, so I cannot leave the village often…”
Ah, we did talk about that before…
“Guauu… voruu, rukuaruu woruforuaaan?” [You’re right… Then can you let them stay in Lucua village once I find an opportunity to send them to you?”
“Yes, alright. Just let me know in advance and I’ll take care of it.”
After quickly confirming things with me, Wallace went back to the cat kin mother and child behind him. Looks like he was still concerned about the condition in which they were rescued. When it comes down to it, that guy is a gentlemanly cat person with a strong sense of responsibility…
After that exchange, it didn’t take us long to reach Lucua village. And as we approached the center of the village square…
“Hnn? Isn’t that Mr. Silver and… Esther, Lilia! You’re safe!!”
“Oh!? Mr. Wallace is back!!”
When Grimer, the Cat kin carpenter who had been working on wood with a spear-plane* outside of his house noticed us and called out, the adjacent door from across the street burst open, and out came Barrack, the blacksmith’s son.
“It really is Esther and Lilia!!”
“Esther, you’re safe!”
Starting with the two of them, the other cat people that came out one by one gathered around us and by the time we noticed it, we were surrounded by a sea of cat ears…
“Au~. gauruouaaan, gurua.” (Au~, There are so many cat ears, Boss)
“Kuann, wafiruaaan♪” (Big brother, they look like they’re having fun♪)
In the blink of an eye, Blazer and Stia who had taken advantage of their distance from us had already removed themselves from the crowd and left the four of us stuck in the middle of it.
(…Looks like we missed our chance to escape.)
As I let out a sigh, Esther bowed her head awkwardly in the middle of the crowd.
“I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to worry you…”
“Uu, I’m sorry…”
Similarly, even the young Lilia who was holding onto her mother got overwhelmed by the atmosphere and succumbed to it.
“Oh, that’s alright. Fred won’t forgive us if we let anything happen to you.”
“Esther and Lilia did nothing wrong, so don’t worry about it.”
Noticing the question on my face as I heard the unfamiliar name, Wallace whispered in a hushed tone.
“… Fred is Esther’s husband who was killed in the battle against the Goblins during their initial attack on the village. That’s why everyone in the clowder is worried about them.”
“…Woffu.” […I see.]
I closed my eyes and said a little prayer for Fred’s soul. And when I opened them again, I unexpectedly met Barrack’s gaze.
“Archer, I don’t get what happened, but it seems you’ve helped us again… If your weapons get worn out, just bring it over and I’ll fix them for you, okay?”
“If you need some simple tools or some supplies, then I’ll make it for you too, Mr. Silver.”
“Aruou kuaoaaan.” [I appreciate your kindness.]
We have already received monetary rewards from Ernesta and her Elite Unit, and those two are running a business… so I guess I’ll just have to politely refuse them.
(Besides, gaining the trust of the cat people is already a priceless reward …)
After we were thanked by the cat people around us, Wallace and his wife, Emina, saw us off as we left the village and walked to the cave in the east where our pack was.
We had to leave the pack for a while due to some circumstances, but we were finally going home. Although, I get the feeling that something will happen after we get back…