The Peerless Kobold - Chapter 132
With the secret initiative of Eliza, Prime Minister Theodore’s daughter, the reform moderates and conservatives were united, and together, they tenaciously persuaded the dissatisfied Obsidian Elves to keep from joining the reform extremists like Gregor and his colleagues…
Meanwhile, the kobolds who returned to their settlement near the Steele river basin also seemed to be busy on their own way.
“Au~, guaruoua…” (Au~ The fields are ruined…)
Smith had fallen on all fours and was devastated at the state of the field of sweet potatoes and yellow and green beans in a corner of the settlement near the village square.
“Uwau, guruao? Garuaan guruaoauruu.” (Smith, what should we do? If we leave it like this, then the Boss will surely scold us.)
“Uuuh” (Nnngh.)
The small, droopy-eared kobold with handmade tools hanging from his waist sighed as he looked at the field.
It was fortunate that the scent of kobolds that lingered in the area kept small animals away, while the wooden fence surrounding the settlement built by Smith and his team kept most of the medium to somewhat large animals from damaging their crops.
Moreover, due to the effect of their Boss’ earth-attribute magic, “Earth’s Blessing”, they could still manage the damage if they worked hard and took care of the plants.
“Wauoa, vaou guuavoruo ruoann!” (Let’s just pull out the ruined crops and weeds for now!)
“Waon~” (O-ka~y)
“Ruoaan!” (Alright, pull!)
The droopy-eared kobolds quietly worked on the farm.
If done well, the green and yellow beans they sowed at the end of June would be ready by the end of September, and the red, sweet potatoes they planted at the same period could be harvested around a month later, by the end of October or November.
“Woaon, vaoru kuaruou woruaann!” (If we work hard, then we’d be able to eat more than acorns this winter!)
“Woaaau~” (Ya-hoo~)
During winter, most of the animals in the Easteria forest are inactive, so their chances of encountering prey are reduced. At worst, they would have to survive on the well-preserved acorns they devotedly pick during the autumn, but… now that they are planting sweet potatoes, their food situation is going to change this winter.
The sweet potatoes could be stored at room temperature with the soil still on them, and can be kept from 3 to 6 months in the fall and winter seasons. With this in mind, Joseph, the cat kin farmer, recommended them to grow sweet potatoes.
Well, that is if they could harvest them properly…
A short distance from Smith and the others who were working a sweat on the farm, the tall, skinny kobold is giving lessons to a batch of kobold puppies who were about six months and could already walk on two legs.
“Gauo, guruah! Woruuguou garuau varuguh!!” (Got it, kids? Anyone who tries to directly confront their opponent is a fool!!)
“Waooon, garuuh!” (Yeees masteeer!)
Several kobold pups cheerfully replied in unison.
“Guou voruaaguruoan oufuh! Gau, guoru kyuouruaaann.” (Even the strongest guy is fragile when caught by surprise! But I’m not saying that training is pointless.)
As Blazer’s words became filled with passion, the puppies attentively listened to him, eyes twinkling.
“Guruuguorua, worugaooon garuvoruaah!!” (Train yourselves to be the best you can be and choose your own way!!)
Master is so cool!
And, as warriors too, they would grow up to be quite eccentric kobolds.
“Wau, waoa, gurugauooonn!!” (Alright! Then, let’s start with push ups!!)
After their session with him, the droopy-eared kobold Knuckle called the children over, and he went to work teaching them basic training to build up stamina…
After watching them for a while, Blazer turned his gaze to the southern direction of the forest.
(… I wonder how Chief and the others are doing now.)
“Kuraa, kuano♪ “ (Burn it up, Foxfire♪ )
After digging a hole to keep the fire from spreading, I placed some stones around it and threw some firewood, dried leaves, and ordinary leaves into the pit. After that, I asked my sister to light it up with her Foxfire.
(Now, it’s my turn next…)
Focusing my attention on the fire in front which was gradually producing smoke, I wrapped my palm with some concentrated wind magic.
“Wofuh, woruh!” [O wind, carry it forth!]
The rising smoke is carried by wind magic and sent it to the base of a tree 60 meters away. Once there, the smoke naturally rose upwards and smoked the Golden Bee’s hive in turn.
“Vaa, vaa~♪” (Ho-ney, ho-ney♪ )
“Guaou… kuauruaou, voruoufu.” (Dagger… Your tail stands out too much, stop moving it around.)
“Waoon, gauaaaon kuruaauooou.” (That’s right. If they find us, then we’ll have to run away.)
My sister, who was wagging her golden, fuzzy fox tail, was admonished by the two large kobolds on either side of her and became dejected.
“Uu~, kyuou.” (Uu~, I’m sorry.)
And so, the four kobolds, plus the Elf girl all laid down on the grass and watched from a distance as the bees flitted about to get away from their hive which was fumigated by the smoke… and aimed for the moment when most of them have already emerged from their hive.
After a moment, I slowly went into position and knelt on my knee, reached behind my back with my left hand, grabbed my mechanical bow Baroque, and held it at the ready.
Fluidly grabbing an arrow from the tube resting on my waist as I have practiced many times before, I nocked the arrow and pointed it at the base of the beehive which was hanging from a tree branch 60 meters ahead.
“Guruoauh!!” [Release!!]
By using wind magic on the arrow which somewhat reduced the effect of the air resistance, it sailed through the wind, hit the Golden Bee’s nest, and dropped it to the ground.
“Impressive, you were able to knock that thing down from this distance… The name Archer isn’t just for show.”
“Wouru…” [I just got lucky…]
Paying no attention to Stia’s flattery, I patiently waited for the bees who were flying around their fallen hive to give up and leave.