The Peerless Kobold - Chapter 38
Trigger Warning: Scenes of attempted r**e
The goblins who gained a resounding victory in the battle of Lucua village did not immediately continue pursuit of the fleeing cat kin warriors but rested and gathered their strength, while looking after their comrades who sustained injuries.
“Gigiu, gyaouh!” (Brave, we’re going after them!!)
“Gyauaaah!!” (Hyahha!!)
With more than 10 goblins under his command, the Goblin Swordsman Sword, who equipped various blades, ordered his subordinates to give chase to the cat people. Meanwhile, Brave, who commanded the vanguard of the Goblin army, also moved to chase after them.
“Gigii gia… guan gigiu.” (My unit is also going to chase them… Rock’s unit will be the rear guard.)
“Guguh.” (Sure.)
He glanced at the nodding mage who assisted him and shifted his gaze to Heavy, the short and stocky Heavy Warrior.
“Gigih, gyaoo?” (What are we going to do?)
“Giiuo… “ (Well…)
Apart from the goblins in Heavy’s squad, he himself was slow-footed, so he was unfit to take part in the chase.
“Giiru gaa gugiiu.” (Heavy’s group will guard this place.)
“Gigih.” (Understood.)
After orders were issued to each of the squads, the Goblin Hero loudly yelled an order as he looked at his brethren.
“Giigua giigiruh, gadia!” (Let’s attack them with a pincer attack just as planned!)
One of the goblins’ goals was to carry off the females of Lucua village alive.
Although their species only consisted of males, they were capable of interbreeding with any other species and the resulting offspring will always be goblins. In other words, they needed the females from other species at any cost so they could propagate and prosper.
However, if they attacked the village without a plan, then the goblin’s lumbering manner would be no match for the fleet-footed cat people even with their advantage in numbers, so the only way for them to catch the females was to trap them by chasing them towards a place where their comrades lay in wait to ambush them.
Therefore, when they attacked Lucua village, Brave and Rock’s units acted as the main force and attacked from the grasslands situated at the west side of the village, Heavy’s unit attacked from the forest on the east side, and Sword’s unit attacked from the south side, surrounding the village on all three sides.
And so, except for a few who were perceptive, most of the cat people were unknowingly forced to flee towards the northern side of the forest where the goblins lay in wait.
While the cat kin warriors fought against the goblins who suddenly launched an attack on the village, among the elderly, the women, and the children who fled to the northern part of the woods was Liz, a female cat kin with slightly long, black hair.
She paired a bottleneck jacket with a short, pleated skirt that was easy to move in, over which she wore leather armor that was the same color as her hair while a large, curved knife hung from her sword belt.
She looked like a fine warrior based on her appearance, and her cat ears picked up snippets of the conversations around her as she watched over the citizens who fled towards the forest to escape.
“The number of goblins that attacked…was quite a lot, wasn’t it? I wonder if they’re alright?”
“But goblins, huh… Won’t the village’s warriors drive them away easily?”
Due to the sudden attack, the cat people in the village had fled in different directions and thus were divided into several groups. About thirty of them had fled towards the forest, and currently, everyone anxiously talked to each other in hushed tones.
(I did hear someone say that the goblins living in the east of the forest have become active and made appearances around the village lately, but I never expected that they would attack the village.)
The goblins they spotted were merely scouts, so the cat people did not take the situation seriously at that time.
(… At any rate, I wonder if my father is alright?)
Liz, worried about her father who led the warriors of Lucua village to intercept the goblins, was praying for his safety when someone suddenly cried out.
“R-run!! The goblins are coming!!”
“Eh, you’re kidding!?”
“No way!!”
There was a faint rustle of leaves and the troops of the Goblin Dual Blade Swordsman who were chasing the cat kin warriors emerged from the trees.
Their number was half that of the cat people, but unlike the goblins, most of the cat people were elderly, women, and children who could not put up a fight and thus ran away as soon as they saw them.
One of them was unlucky enough to run into the small group of goblins who laid in wait on the northern side of the forest while trying to escape through the woods and was immediately captured.
Liz was also one of the unfortunate ones, as she was unable to avoid several goblins who suddenly appeared from the bushes when she was running through the forest with two village children in tow. They grabbed and pushed her down.
“Giaau!” (Hold her down!)
“Guouh.” (Aye.)
“Kyaaah, run away, you two!”
Her shrill scream stopped the cat children in their tracks momentarily, but they ran once again when she pushed them from behind to escape. The goblins found it unnecessary to chase after them, as they were aiming for the cat women from the start.
The goblins swarmed around her while pushing Liz on the ground, holding her limbs down and blocking her movements. They may be small, but they were surprisingly strong; her attempts to struggle and break free were futile as many of them held her down.
The large knife hanging from her side was taken away, and the leather armor she wore was forcibly torn off by the obscenely grinning goblins who pushed her down. Liz’s face stiffened in horror. Everyone knew what horrible fate awaited the women they caught.
(Tsk, if they have their way with me…!)
Knowing the tragic end that awaited her, she steeled her resolve and opened her mouth to bite her tongue, but before she could even do anything an old rag was stuffed in her mouth to prevent her from harming herself.
“Guu!? Mpfh, muu!”
“Gyagyah, gyuagireh.” (Haha, we can’t understand what you’re trying to say!)
It was not uncommon for the goblins to see the females they captured attempting to harm themselves. As a result, they became used to dealing with strong-willed females like her. When Liz bit the gag as she was about to spit it out, one of them tied a rag around her mouth and grabbed her jacket to forcefully take it off her.
“Gih.” (Tsk)
However, the carefully sewn clothes were not torn easily, and just as the goblin who straddled her was about to pull out the large knife from its scabbard while smacking his lips, she unexpectedly caught the sound of wind cutting through.
“Gia?” (Heh?)
An arrow came flying in and pierced the forehead of the goblin who had a dumbfounded look on his face as he lost strength and collapsed on top of Liz.
When we ran to the place where my sister caught the sound of someone screaming with her slightly larger fox ears before we did, we saw a young female cat kin who was about to be abused by the goblins as a plaything.
Dagger and Lancer, who immediately understood the situation, sent us a hand sign.
Big brother, let’s finish them.
This is unforgivable…
By the way, goblins are one of the races we are hostile with, because they hunt down our young and eat them and carry off our women to use them to breed.
I had no objections with the girls’ opinion, and with my bow at the ready, I released an arrow towards the goblin who was straddling the poor cat woman.