The Peerless Kobold - Chapter 63
“Au, guruo, waon~” (Ah, welcome back, everyone~)
“Kuruaan, wauu.” (We’re home, Ax.)
“Ruu kuruaaaan♪” (We’re back~♪)
With one hand raised, Ax joined our little circle as he smiled at Lancer and my sister.
“Gurua, garuoa garuoou…” (Boss, about those guys…)
After taking a quick glance at the floppy-eared kobolds, Ax apologetically hunched over and tried to explain the situation to me while his hands flailed to keep me from talking.
“Guruoa gauruguoan, guo garuon?” (Well, you already accepted them into the pack, so it’s fine, right?)
“Waonn!!” (Yes!!)
Perhaps thinking that I would reject his decision, Ax’s expression became relieved when I responded favorably. Since I entrusted the pack to you, I’ll respect your judgment and not question your decisions as long as they don’t majorly affect everyone.
Ah, speaking of putting the pack in their hands, I believe it was the same for Blazer, but I couldn’t see him around as usual, so he must be going on patrol around the settlement again…
“Heeey, Archer, can we have a minute?”
Suddenly, the Blacksmith’s son Barrack called out to me from behind.
… I had almost forgotten about the cat people who were standing around with nothing to do. Feeling apologetic, I sat down facing them and took out my slate pencil from my pouch.
“Forgive me, I got caught up in a lot of things.”
“That’s fine, but… there’s virtually nothing here. Mr. Grimer, can you at least make us some sleeping quarters? I don’t want to sleep inside a burrow.”
“Hmm… making bricks and doing full-scale woodworking would take too much time… Mr. Silver, could I use the wood over there?”
The Cat Carpenter Grimer pointed to the corner of the plaza where the trees that Ax had cut down were piled up.
“Go ahead and do as you like.”
“Alright. Then, I’ll make the frame out of thin tree trunks and ivy, then I’ll also use tree bark to make a foundation for the leaf-covered roof… and for the walls, let’s use clay soil from the riverbank. That should give the house some shape.”
Well, just as I imagined how it was going to be at first, Barrack reacted to the word ‘riverbank’.
“Ah, I’ll also go to the river with you, I want to see the iron sand there. I’ll also be using some clay for the furnace. Huh… I would need some charcoal too, so I’ll be taking some of the wood. Also Archer, can you make a leather bag?”
“Are you going to use it to make a leather bellow? We can make some from the processed stomachs of large beasts.”
“The wind from those isn’t that strong enough, but we could make a couple of them to supplement the smaller furnaces.”
“How about using Wind Magic?”
“Hmm, I’ll need more firepower at some point, but I’ll take that into consideration.”
After my conversation with the Blacksmith’s son ended, I turned to the Cat Farmer Joseph.
“…Compared to the two of you, it seems I have it easier. I just need to plow the land and sow some green and yellow bean variants and plant some red potatoes in a field after all. Mr. Archer, can you use blessing-type earth magic?”
“Yes, I could probably do it.”
“Alright, that sounds good.”
I don’t think it would be easy, considering how far we had been living from civilization, but we have no choice but to work at it with patience and trial and error. I secretly motivated myself to work towards living a healthy and cultured life, but my companions gave me strange looks as they watched my interaction with the cat people.
“Vo, gurua uaouguoruh…” (The Chief is doing something unbelievable again…)
I can’t help but think that the road ahead is going to be difficult……