The Sickly Transmigrator Hides the Fact that He Became a Puppy - Chapter 6.2
Yi Hyeon shouted in panic, but what emerged from his throat was a small, heart-wrenching cry.
The dog that had bitten Han Joon shook its head violently, making him wince and let out a pained grunt. He reached for a stainless steel cup on a nearby table and hurled it at the ground.
A loud crash echoed through the café, but the dog refused to let go. Seeing its sharp fangs sink deep into Han Joon’s arm, Yi Hyeon couldn’t bear it any longer. He wriggled free from Han Joon’s arms and, with his small teeth, bit down hard on the dog’s tail.
‘“Get away from Han Joon, you brute!”’
At last, the dog flinched and released Han Joon’s arm, retreating a few steps.
The couple, who had been so confidently claiming their dog never bit anyone, rushed over, their faces drained of color. Han Joon’s arm bore clear bite marks, already bLouiesing in an ugly blue, yet his gaze remained on Yi Hyeon, whom he scooped up in his other arm. Turning his body, he shielded Yi Hyeon completely from the aggressive dog’s view. Then, addressing the approaching couple, he spoke in a low, steady voice.
“Don’t even think about trying to settle this.”
“What are you talking about? He jumped in and got himself bitten—why would we settle?”
The argument dragged on, and Yi Hyeon, cowering at the man’s loud, scolding voice, was reminded of his own father, who had berated and hit him in the past. Trembling, he huddled close, and his shivers seemed to resonate against Han Joon’s skin.
“Lower your voice. Don’t you know how sensitive dogs’ ears are? Why would someone who knows nothing about dogs even own one?”
“What? Look at this punk, daring to talk down to an adult!”
“If you were actually an adult, I’d show you respect. But here I see someone with less sense than a dog. If you don’t like being looked down on, maybe grow taller?”
“You little… you brat—”
Eventually, the police had to be called.
Even at the station, the couple refused to admit fault. Han Joon also made it clear he had no intention of settling with such people.
“Just so you know, I’ll be sending the medical report through my lawyer. I’d rather not see your faces again, so let’s add a restraining order, if possible. Could we get that arranged, officer?”
“Oh, come on, that’s ridiculous! If people called lawyers every time a dog bite happened, all the lawyers would have bought out buildings in Seoul by now!”
“If you hadn’t provoked our dog, Jang Geun wouldn’t have bitten anyone! It’s a mutual fault here, so what’s with the lawsuit?”
“Right. Dogs can bite; that’s understandable. But it was due to your negligence that someone got hurt, and as a human, you should at least offer an apology.”
When Han Joon raised his injured arm, a few people nearby gasped in sympathy. Feeling his heart ache, Yi Hyeon nestled in Han Joon’s arms, gently licking the area around his injured forearm. He licked so much that his mouth was filled with the faint, sweet scent of the body wash Han Joon used.
“Oh, my lawyer’s here. Mr. Kim! Over here!”
The couple brushed off his words as youthful boasting, but when an actual man carrying a briefcase and wearing a badge approached, bowing respectfully and addressing him as “young master,” their expressions changed. Their defiant stance disappeared as soon as the lawyer began to lay out the consequences of an aggressive dog bite, causing their faces to pale with fear.
* * *
Back at home, Han Joon tossed his soiled clothes aside, and as he did so, he winced, inhaling sharply as his arm brushed against his shirt.
Seeing this, Yi Hyeon ran over and, without thinking, began licking the only accessible part of Han Joon he could reach—his ankle. In that moment, he was more concerned about Han Joon’s well-being than about the fact that he was licking him, as his worry overpowered his sense of self-awareness.
Unaware of Yi Hyeon’s genuine concern, Han Joon found his usually aloof pet, with ears drooping, trailing him around the room, irresistibly endearing.
“If worrying about me makes Louie this sweet, maybe I should keep getting hurt in the future.”
At that, Yi Hyeon barked, tilting his head up indignantly. Smiling, Han Joon carefully lifted him up, cradling him in his hands before planting a gentle kiss on Yi Hyeon’s soft, round forehead.