The Wicked Wife's Dark History Keeps Coming Back To Haunt Her - Chapter 83
“Are you two… married?”
At Nina’s response, the Crown Prince murmured regretfully,
“I suppose a beautiful, kind-hearted woman such as Your Ladyship wouldn’t be left alone…”
As the Crown Prince’s disappointment showed, Ash whispered in exasperation, as if he’d overheard something ridiculous.
“What exactly did you say to the Crown Prince to give him that impression?”
“Just exchanged a few words…”
It was no different from a casual compliment, like when someone mistakes an adult for a student during an ID check.
But still, calling it a scam? Nina pouted, feeling unfairly accused.
At least they had all introduced themselves properly. Standing by the entrance any longer seemed awkward, so just as Nina thought it would be better to move further inside, the attendant’s loud announcement rang out.
“Presenting Their Imperial Majesties, the Emperor and Empress! All in attendance, maintain silence and show due reverence!”
All eyes turned toward the banquet hall entrance.
The Emperor, with his golden hair and blue eyes, exuded a warm, dignified presence.
Alex von Raymond Tezer Nesman.
The Empress, with her beautiful silver hair, as serene as moonlight, and blue eyes, projected intelligence and grace.
Stella von Adeliza Bateson Nesman.
The Emperor and Empress entered the banquet hall with elegant smiles, like figures in a painting.
In the silence, as if someone had pressed a mute button, the only sound was the footsteps of the Emperor, Empress, and their attendants.
Nina and the other nobles respectfully bowed their heads, waiting for the Emperor’s permission to speak.
“Raise your heads, all of you.”
Seated at the head table, the Emperor surveyed the gathering with his kind, clear blue eyes and spoke.
“All of you here understand that caring for even the most humble places is an essential virtue for a ruler.”
The charity event, held annually in the Nesman Empire, had been initiated by the current Emperor when he ascended the throne.
At first, many nobles were reluctant, but it quickly became a key event, serving as an opportunity to gain favor, a stage for political maneuvering, and a significant social occasion.
“It brings me great comfort to know that all of you gather here each year, sharing your efforts and fulfilling your duties to support my endeavors.”
Listening earnestly to the Emperor’s words of encouragement, Nina sensed a piercing stare and suppressed a smile.
Rebecca was glaring at her with a venomous look.
Apparently, the barbs Nina had thrown earlier had struck a nerve, as Rebecca looked positively livid.
The thought of her spreading Nina’s past misdeeds for laughs, while getting so enraged over some petty insults herself, was laughable.
‘She’s as incapable of seeing from the other’s perspective as I was in my past life,’ Nina thought, clicking her tongue in silent disapproval.
When the Emperor finished his speech, the Empress took the floor.
“Before we begin the banquet, I have some guests to introduce.”
The Empress smiled warmly and gestured to Armin and Adela.
“The Crown Prince and Princess of Osk—these two are honored guests whom I personally invited to our court. They will be staying at the palace during the charity event, so please make sure they leave with good memories of our nation.”
…Guests of the Empress herself?
Nina was startled to realize that these two were more important guests than she had anticipated.
The Empress announcing her personal invitation was effectively a warning: they were under the imperial family’s protection, and any disrespect would not be tolerated.
She had assumed it was just another study visit to observe the Empire’s customs, as was common.
Nina leaned in and whispered to Ash, just loud enough for him to hear.
“For once, I think I might have actually been helpful.”
“Since I made a good impression on the Empress’s guests, it might help us recover a bit of the reputation our marriage has lost over the years.”
After all, the ups and downs of their marriage must have left a poor impression on the Empress over the last two years.
But just as Nina was reveling in the thought, Ash’s sharp voice shattered her pride.
“How shameless. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have lost any points in the first place.”
“…Yes, of course.”
The satisfaction Nina had felt about finally being useful quickly faded, and she clamped her mouth shut, looking downcast.

Really Ash?! Allowing your irrational jealousy to make you say words to purposely hurt her, when she did nothing wrong is beyond petty. So far, I’ve been pretty lenient in my evaluation of him considering she was a total B* in her previous life, but at this point his anger and cruel attitude is no longer justified. Not only does he have NO right to be jealous since they are getting divorced, but she didn’t even do anything wrong to deserve that jealousy. I hope in the next chapter she snubs him for being a prick, she shouldn’t let this go JUST because of her previous attitude. Let him suffer in his misdeeds this time.