This Three-Year-Old Is A Villainess - Chapter 105

I sighed deeply after giving Jihyuk a narrow-eyed look.
I handed Jihyuk the green blessing stone I found in the basement.
“What’s this?”
I grinned, lifting the corners of my mouth.
Jihyuk squinted at me and said,
“Do you know you look really wicked whenever you do that?”
“I wash bown to be a viwwainess, yew know?” (I was born to be a villainess, you know?)
“Yeah, sure. But what’s this?”
“Bwessing shone of dupwicashun.” (Blessing stone of duplication.)
“Dup… lication?”
Jihyuk’s eyes widened.
“What are you going to duplicate? Blessing stones?”
“Tha’s onwy possibow duwing anchin times.” That’s only possible during ancient times.)
The most powerful blessings belonged to the ancients.
As time passed, blessings weakened, and in modern times, they couldn’t even mimic 5 percent of what ancients could do.
‘Back in the day, <Enhancement> wasn’t just for strengthening physical abilities.’
It’s said that it could enhance others’ blessings to the level of enhancement stones.
Anyway, this blessing stone of duplication could only duplicate objects.
If the object was an ancient relic, it couldn’t duplicate its mystical powers, only its shell.
“Spwead a wumoh tha yew haff the bwessing shone of dupwicashun.” (Spread a rumor that you have the stone of duplication.)
“Another rumor? Why?”
“Sho tha a cewtain sumone who’s keepin’ sumfing of vawue wiww appwosh.” (So that a certain someone who’s keeping something of value will approach.)
“…You’re looking for something?”
I nodded vigorously.
“A painshing.” (A painting.)
The painting inherited by the Empress Dowager from her mother, lost by someone during her youth.
‘The Empress Dowager is still spending a fortune to track down that painting.’
I don’t know who currently possesses the painting, but I do know one thing.
‘They’re an art aficionado.’
That last masterpiece of a genius wouldn’t be easily given up, no matter how much money was offered.
‘But if it could be duplicated?’
They’d be tempted by money to duplicate it.
Keep the original and hand over a duplicate to the Empress Dowager.
‘In <Grandvill>, they hired a painter to create a forgery, but if they knew it was possible to create a straight up dupe, they’d come this way.’
After I explained, Jihyuk nodded.
“The Empress Dowager would be very grateful if you found it. But… why are you trying to gain the Empress Dowager’s favor? You already have the Duke of Astra as your grandfather, why bother?”
“Shupid. Yew shud awways main-tain good welayshuns with thwe peopow in powuh.” (Stupid. You should always maintain good relations with the people in power.)
That’s me, on the verge of the youngest-ever promotion by merely ‘greasing palms’.
‘I need to create backers from outside too.’
I laughed slyly.
“Now go. Quickwy.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
Jihyuk, pocketing the stone of duplication, walked to the door.
Just as he was about to leave, he turned around.
“You might want to be careful?”
What does that mean?
Jihyuk rushed back to me, lowered his voice, and said,
“Someone was in front of your room but ran away when they heard me approaching. It was too dark to see clearly, but they seemed quite large.”
Jihyuk gently pinched my nose.
“Don’t get hurt. You’re my lifeline.”
“Jus go.”
I pushed Jihyuk’s back, hurrying him out.
Then, I jumped onto the bed.
Ah, so soft, so comfortable.
‘Probably one of the direct descendants ordered it.’
After doing so well today, they must be seething.
Lying in bed, sleepiness crept up on me.
Probably because I ran around so much today looking for notes.
I quickly fell into a deep sleep.
When I opened my eyes, what I saw was a party hall.
Huh? What’s this?
Looking down at myself, I had somehow grown up.
I tried to wiggle my fingers, but there was no movement.
‘Another dream?’
It seemed I was observing a scene from someone else’s body.
I stood in a corner, doing as the body’s owner did.
No one spoke to me.
Even as the music changed countless times, I stood there all alone.
‘Why won’t they leave?’
Everyone seemed to be ignoring me conspicuously.
Then, a booming voice came from outside the door.
“From the Grimier Jurisdiction, Lady Dahlia has arrived!”
Hearing the protagonist’s name, I was shocked.
Dahlia entered the party hall while arm-in-arm with Uncle Grimier.
As if on cue, everyone crowded around her.
“How wonderful. You’ve manifested your third blessing upon becoming an adult?”
“Marvelous. Indeed, you are favored by the gods.”
The cousins all looked at Dahlia with affectionate expressions.
“Happy twentieth birthday, Dahlia.”
“Here’s my gift.”
Dahlia accepted the gifts with a look of utmost happiness.
‘What in the world.’
Dahlia’s twentieth birthday party.
There was mention of a party, but…
—The entire event was just summarized like that.
‘I’ve never read this scene before.’
Dahlia shone brightly in the center. As her light grew stronger, the corner where the body’s owner stood became darker and darker.
“Ah… Sister!”
Dahlia, having spotted the body’s owner, approached.
The body’s owner flinched and hid something behind their back.
It felt like a letter.
‘A birthday card, perhaps?’
“Thank you for coming, Sister Erylotte.”
‘This body’s owner is Erylotte?’
But Erylotte detested Dahlia, so why did she come to the party?
And even went as far as to write a letter?