This Three-Year-Old Is A Villainess - Chapter 125

Alexis looked at Erylotte intently.
Catching Alexis’s gaze, Erylotte smiled brightly,
The three entered a tiny miscellaneous store hidden in a corner of the shopping district.
Seeing the group, the store owner hurried over to Erylotte with an “Oh my!”
“Lady Erylotte! What brings you here, to such a place?”
“Hewwo, Kahmia. Pwease bwing out boys cwose.” (Hello, Kalmia. Please bring out boys clothes.)
“For the person next to you?”
“Just a moment, please.”
The store owner hurried into the back.
The pink-haired one asked,
“Who is she?”
“She use-uh be a maid in Daymun Juwisdishun.” (She used to be a maid in the Daymond Jurisdiction.)
“There was such a maid in the estate?”
“Yeah. She got kick out fow wesistin Mrs. Wayshul’s unfay-uh tweatmen.” (Yeah. She got kicked out for resisting Mrs. Rachelle’s unfair treatment.)
“Mrs. Rachelle? Ah, the one you mentioned before.”
“Uh-huh. I foun huw and wus goin’ to bwing huw back to the manow, bwut she said she wanna open a shop, so I gaife huw sebiwunce pay.” (Uh-huh. I found her and was going to bring her back to the manor, but she said she wanted to open a shop, so I gave her severance pay.)
As the two chatted, Kalmia returned from the back with several articles of clothing.
“We’re just a general store, so we don’t have anything too fancy.”
“Cannuh be hewped.” (Can’t be helped.)
Erylotte took the clothes and handed them to Alexis.
“Twy these on.” (Try these on.)
Alexis slowly turned around. Kalmia smiled and said, “You can change over here,” guiding him to a spot.
After changing, Erylotte, beaming, said,
“You wook cute.”
Erylotte turned to Kalmia at the counter.
“Kahmia, was-suh totuh?” (Kalmia, what’s the total?)
“As for the payment… You’ve already given so much for my severance. Please just take it.”
“Really, it’s fine.”
“Umm, owkay Kahmia. Thwen, issit owkay if yew pwetend yew nevuh know the cwose?” (Umm, okay Kalmia. Then, is it okay if you pretend you never knew about these clothes?)
Kalmia smiled wryly, then narrowed her eyes and mimed zipping her lips.
“Rest assured, if it’s about keeping secrets, Kalmia Siege is your woman. I didn’t I get kicked out after standing up to Mrs. Rachelle for nothing.”
“I wike tha about yew, Kahmia.”
“I see why Heidi and Betty are totally smitten with you, Milady.”
Muttering Kalmia laughed and saw the group out.
Exiting Kalmia’s shop, Erylotte said to Han Ji-hyuk,
“Take ‘im to tha pwace foise an come back.” (Take him to that place first and come back.)
Then she turned to Alexis.
She handed him something she was holding.
“And thwis, too.”
It was a pair of gloves.
When Alexis hesitated to take them, Erylotte slipped the gloves onto his hands herself.
“Now yew wun be cowd.” (Now you won’t be cold.)
“Jus hide fow jus a bit. I come get yew when things qui-uh down.” (Just hide for just a bit. I’ll come get you when things quiet down.)
Without waiting for an answer, Erylotte’s expression remained unaffected.
She waved goodbye and then dashed off ahead.
Han Ji-hyuk glanced at Alexis, who was watching Erylotte’s departing figure.
“Let’s go then? Or… Pardon me. Shall we proceed, sir?”
“Do you have any belongings to bring with you?”
Alexis followed Han Ji-hyuk as they walked away.
That girl was quite peculiar.
Why she was so kind to him, a stranger, was beyond him.
Alexis asked Han Ji-hyuk.
“Why is she being so nice to me?”
“She’s naturally kind to others. But if she considers someone an enemy, there’s no mercy. She can be very cruel to her enemies.”
“She can become terrifying when it’s for a goal.”
“I’m thew gwandottow of thwe gweat Kwonus Astwa, and thwe dottow of Daymun Astwa.” (I am the granddaughter of the great Chronos Astra, and the daughter of Daymond Astra.)
“I am a mastuh of thwis essate.” (I am a master of this estate.)
That girl, terrifying?
Not really.
Somewhat… cool, actually.
Han Ji-hyuk glanced at the child deep in thought.
“We’ve arrived.”
The destination was a rented carriage.
Han Ji-hyuk rented a small carriage and helped Alexis aboard, taking the reins himself.
After a bit of travel, as the sun began to set, they reached a building.
Stepping out of the carriage, Alexis looked up at the building.
“’That place’ couldn’t possibly be here, could it?”
“Yes, this is that place.”
Alexis, with a frozen expression, turned to Han Ji-hyuk.
“Really, here?”
“I told you, she becomes terrifying when pursuing a goal.”
Han Ji-hyuk chuckled.
* * *
At that moment, in a guesthouse for distinguished guests,
Madam Gonalon glared at the hunter disguised as an escort knight.
“What did you say? Who interfered?”
“She claimed to be the granddaughter of Kronos Astra and the daughter of Daymond Astra.”
If it’s Daymond’s daughter, there was only one.
Erylotte Astra.
The youngest among the direct descendants.
Blond hair and red eyes.
The same colors as the first predecessor of House Astra.
“Why did Erylotte Astra interfere with finding the prince? What’s the reason?!”
“I do not know, Madam.”
Madam Gonalon rubbed her fingertips hard.
‘There’s no reason for that girl to interfere.’
Does she know that they were searching for the real firstborn of the imperial family?
But even if she knew, why would a three-year-old interfere?
It’s strange to say the Duke would have ordered it, especially when he had other grandchildren who were older and more capable than that girl.
‘It doesn’t make sense.’