This Three-Year-Old Is A Villainess - Chapter 127

All kinds of luxurious jewels filled it.
Just one glance was enough to say that this cost a truckload of cash.
This was the money I had secretly earned by selling the blessing stones from the underground storage.
Of course, Han Ji-hyuk handled the transactions.
Even the smallest blessing stones were traded at an incredibly high price.
Thanks to this, I earned an amount that would make Madam Gonalon’s jaw drop without selling many.
“Are you giving this to me? Why would you, Young Miss?”
“I kinda dun wike Huh Highness Offewia.” (I kinda don’t like Her Highness Othellia.)”
“Aren’t the Astra and the Imperial Consort supposed to be allies?”
To the extent that Madam Gonalon, the Imperial Consort’s closest confidant, was sent as an etiquette instructor to the dukedom.
“It moyt be wike tha now, but ituh be diffewen once thwe Fiws Pwince becomes thwe Empewow, wight?” (It might be like that now, but it’ll be different once the First Prince becomes the Emperor, right?)
Madam Gonalon chuckled disbelievingly at the notion of such a conversation coming from a child.
“Dun yew feew it? Tha you wun be on the Impewiuh Consuh’s side fow mush wonguh?” (Don’t you feel it? That you won’t be on the Imperial Consort’s side for much longer?)
“Astwa could be a good susitoot fow the Impewiuh Consuh.” (Astra could be a good substitute for the Imperial Consort.)
“Are you saying you’ll let me go?”
Madam Gonalon raised an eyebrow.
“Why should I trust you? What if I tell Her Highness the Imperial Consort about what you’re planning?”
I giggled.
Madam Gonalon’s eyes twisted.
“An who wud bewiv tha?” (And who would believe that?)
“I’m thwee yus owd.” (I’m three years old.)
Though I would turn four in a month.
Anyway, I clearly look very young to anyone. Madam Gonalon looked back and forth between me and the pouch, conflicted. She sighed and massaged her temples.
“So, what do you want me to do?”
“Tew them thwe hidden pwince has been deawt wif.” (Tell them the hidden prince has been dealt with.)
“That’s absurd! If that gets out, I’ll be…”
“Yew wun be discovuh-d. Thwe pwince is wif me, an he wiw nevuh be wevea-d.” (You won’t be discovered. The prince is with me, and he will never be revealed.)
Madam Gonalon bit her lip several times.
‘She’ll accept my proposition.’
If she fails to find Alexis this time, Madam Gonalon will be discarded. Being a smart person, she must know that.
“It’s a deal then.”
Madam Gonalon picked up the pouch.
“An awso.” (And also.)
“What now…!”
I smiled brightly, propping my chin in my hands like a child.
“Pwease awange a meetin fow me wif the Empwess Dowaguh.” (Please arrange a meeting for me with the Empress Dowager.)
The painting. I finally found it.
I went to the door to see Madam Gonalon out. She seemed almost out of her senses.
“As if this is reality…”
Mumbling as if she had just woken from a dream.
“Haf a good evuhning!” (Have a good evening!)
Waving my hand cheerily amidst all this, Madam Gonalon shook her head and chuckled in disbelief.
“May you also have a pleasant night.”
No sooner had Madam Gonalon left than Han Ji-hyuk came into my room. He tilted his head in confusion.
“That lady just now looked as if she’d seen a ghost.”
“Yup. I gib hew monies an seawed hew wips.” (Yup. I gave her money and sealed her lips.)
Shocked, he hastily covered his mouth. Then, whipping his head around to make sure no one was nearby, he whispered.
“Is that okay? They’ll know you’re not just an ordinary three-year-old.”
“Uh-huh. Bwut mowe impowtanwy, whu abow thwe paining?” (Uh-huh. But more importantly, what about the painting?)
“They said to come to a specified place on the 4th of next month.”
I nodded.
Then, the maids entered the room.
“Young Miss, the fairy tea party is about to start.”
I went back into the room and quickly gathered the necessary items. The maids, worrying I might get cold at night, put a coat on me.
“Did you buy that tea leaf in the shopping district?”
“Sistows gib me.” (The sisters gave some to me.)
When I had just arrived at the castle, I met Deianira and Riantine. Deianira asked if I had bought tea leaves, so I made up various excuses for forgetting due to being busy.
“So, you don’t have tea leaves?”
“I can jus as thwe sowbuns to gif me sum.” (I can just ask the servants to give me some.)
“Stupid, to meet fairies, you need fresh tea leaves.”
“Then Erylotte won’t have tea leaves… I’ll share mine.”
Deianira opened her pouch and shared some of her tea leaves with me. Riantine also looked terribly conflicted before giving me some of his tea leaves.
“Oh my gosh, Lady Riantine, you will?”
Riantine’s fastidiousness was well-known. So, it seemed surprising that he shared his tea leaves.
‘Right, I was a bit surprised too.’
“You are a kind child, so the fairy will surely come to visit you.”
Hilda and Greta said affectionately as they slung a handbag over my shoulder.
I brightly responded with “Ywes!” and left the room.