This Three-Year-Old Is A Villainess - Chapter 9

“What kind of ribbon would you like, Miss? This yellow lace ribbon here would go nicely with your outfit, don’t you think?”
“You are a very well-mannered young lady. The preparations have been quite smooth.”
The maids giggled as they praised my responses.
Once everything was ready, they presented me with a mirror.
“Do you like it?”
I opened my eyes wide and looked at myself in the mirror.
My hair, which had been a tangled mess, was now neat and tidy.
These are truly the maids of the central mansion.
‘Right, Erylotte’s character setting had the most beautiful appearance in the world.’
I had forgotten about it because my hair wasn’t managed and looked like a sickly poodle.
But with proper care, it was a completely different appearance.
A very cute face.
After finishing the preparations, I had breakfast.
It was a cream soup with tender beef and fresh vegetables, finely chopped.
It was savory and smooth, and it tasted delicious.
As I was about to eat the gnocchi on the side, I paused when I saw a bell pepper.
Then I discreetly looked at the maids.
‘I don’t like bell peppers.’
I didn’t eat bell peppers.
Bell peppers were the enemy of children.
If I were in the twelfth tower, I could have discreetly hidden the bell peppers among other vegetables.
But now I was being watched by the central mansion’s maids.
My daily activities and every move were reported to my grandfather, and they would undoubtedly reach him.
I really didn’t like bell peppers, but I assumed that my grandfather liked children who eats them.
Using my fork, I speared a bell pepper, and with a gulp, I swallowed it down with a forced smile.
However, as I chewed, my expression quickly soured.
The war with bell peppers had begun, and the maids, who had been watching with amusement, burst into laughter.
Fortunately, the hired help seemed friendly toward a little girl like me.
‘Now that it’s like this, Grandfather is the priority.’
There couldn’t be chaos at home with my grandfather in a coma.
I had made up my mind.
I had no other choice, so I would protect him.
After the meal, I spent the morning playing with the maids. Playing with them was fun, and they found it quite entertaining.
“Look here.”
“Come this way, Miss. That’s right, you’re doing great!”
…The maids seemed to be enjoying themselves more than I was.
After all, how could working in the imposing Astra Castle, both in appearance and reality, be fun?
‘Poor sisters.’
I played passionately with the maids, and in the afternoon, I went to my grandfather’s study because I was summoned.
In the study, there were several scholars and vassals. I raised my hands to my belly button and bowed deeply, as I had learned from the maids in the morning.
“Hewwo.” (Hello.)
The vassals were surprised.
“Oh, yes. I am Debussy. It’s an honor to meet you.”
He spoke in a bewildered voice. Having seen only direct descendants who were fierce from a young age, I, a normally polite child, must have appeared unusual.
Viscount Debussy smiled.
“Thanks to you, Miss, we’ve been able to excavate the bones of a dragon.”
“The blessing of understanding the ancient language it truly fascinating. So, I was wondering if you could read other parts of the history books as well.”
“Today, we’ve brought you here to see how much you can read.”
“I understand that using the blessing is a strenuous task, and I know you won’t be able to read a lot in one day.”
“Please, read at your own pace. If it strains you, you can stop.”
An attendant brought the book to me.
As I opened the book cover, the adults nodded as if to encourage me.
My grandfather, who was sitting at the head of the large table, was also focused on me.
I began reading the book from the first sentence.
“In thwe begwinning, dewpare cweated, thwe wowd.” (In the beginning, despair created, the world.)
“Oh, at least one sentence…”
“In thwe fowst wowd, siwence an dawkness weyned. We caw it Desowayshun.” (In the first world, silence and darkness reigned. We call it Desolation.)
“Even one paragraph okay…”
“Ayf was bown in Desowayshun.” (Life was born in desolation.)
“One whole page…?”
I just went on and on and on.
At first, the faces of the guests who were nodding turned increasingly perplexed.
Page 1.
Page 2.
Page 13.
The vassals were flabbergasted. Even the scholars and administrators stared at me with wide-open mouths.
“H-how long has the Miss been reciting the book?”
“Thirty minutes.”
“Is it possible for someone the Miss’s age to use the blessing for 30 minutes?”
I mean, I’m just reading hangul. It’s not like I’m actually using the blessing, so reading a book is no biggie.
My throat is a bit dry, though.
“Desowashun, feewing compashun fow fwajay lybes gwanted thwem thwe Bwessing. It is in thwe gwiftud wand that thwe Bwessing is shustained an—” (Desolation, feeling compassion for fragile lives, granted them the Blessing. It is in the blessed land that the Blessing is sustained and—)
“Blessed land?”
[It is in the blessed land that the Blessing is sustained…]
This passage raised eyebrows among the people.
“Such land exists?”
Naturally, there was a commotion.
“Where is it? Is the location mentioned?”
“There must be hints in the book. My goodness!”
It was almost like a festival.
The Duke gazed at Erylotte with a peculiar expression.
It had been approximately an hour since she began reciting the book.
The child didn’t seem to tire.
She didn’t complain either.
‘She’s even capable of this kind of task from the Tower.’
The guests would cheer, and the scholars and administrators would dance when the book contained extraordinary content.
After a long period of reading, Erylotte coughed.
The guests and scholars rushed to assist her.
“Perhaps it’s best to stop for today.”
They were concerned that her precious blessing might deteriorate.
The Duke nodded in agreement.
“Scribes, summarize the content of the book. Let us adjourn the meeting.”
The Duke rose from his seat.
Accompanied by the elder, Viscount Debussy, they left the room.
“Miss, you were so amazing.”
Even the composed Viscount Debussy couldn’t hide his astonishment.
“How is the progress in the dragon bone excavation?”
“It’s proceeding smoothly. We’re already hearing rumors, and people are getting quite excited.”
“The imperial family seems to have high hopes for this.”
“But we can’t hand it over too easily.”
“Go to the imperial capital yourself and gauge their reactions. A fawning attitude won’t be appreciated.”
“Yes, we’ll immediately organize…”
From behind, a persistent feeling of being watched could be felt.
When they turned around, Erylotte, holding a rabbit doll’s ear, was running toward them like odododo.