Villain, Let Me Touch You! - Chapter 63
By the time Jamie and Vincenzo got the medication ready, Benz’s spasm had somewhat subsided. The nightmare had been erased, leaving only a blurry trace of the words “burning pain.”
I tried to erase it entirely, but I paused as Benz regained consciousness.
Throughout the treatment, Helios’s piercing gaze, which seemed to bore into my back, was distracting and getting on my nerves a bit.
Just in time, Ebony arrived and began a rudimentary examination.
“His skin is burning, so I’ll give him some soothing ointment to apply, but we’ll need to start with an antipyretic first.”
She lowered her magical stethoscope. I offered the fever reducers that Jamie had brought to Benz.
“Here’s the antipyretic.”
Benz’s hands trembled as he tried to take the medicine.
“Let me feed it to you,” I offered sympathetically, seeing him in such a sorry state.
But Helios, swift as hawk, pushed me aside. “Move, I’ll do it.”
He snatched the medicine from Benz’s hand and shoved the bottle’s mouth against Benz’s lips
“Open your mouth.”
He was anything but gentle.
But Helios was so nice when he was giving me medicine.
Well, to be fair, he was more persistent than kind.
“Ugh, heuk, gulp.”
Helios craned Benz’s neck back, and the antipyretic quickly disappeared down his throat.
“Your Highness, he’s a patient.”
“Yes, a patient, but I’m a patient, too, Rienna.”
Tossing the empty antipyretic canister into the trash as if it were contaminated, Helios rubbed his forehead against my shoulder.
“And you’re my doctor, not his.”
His possessiveness wasn’t anything new. Helios had always hated the idea of me treating anyone else. I suppose he is the one paying for my salary after all.
“Where does it hurt?”
I asked him deliberately, even though I knew everything by touch. It was because this was just clearly him being petulant and faking being sick again.
Helios rested his head on my shoulder.
“I don’t think it’ll hurt if I stay like this for a while.”
“Whatever you say.”
I didn’t understand why he’d bothered to crumple up and lean against my shoulder. Still, if giving him a moment of shoulder support brought peace, it was my gain.
“Your Highness, I’ll take a look at it then.”
Feeling sorry for her apprentice, Ebony discretely approached.
“What is it, Ebony?” asked Helios.
“You see, I’m a doctor, too, and a great one at that.”
“But you couldn’t cure me.”
Ebony frowned. Not being able to cure Helios had hurt her deeply. As a chief physician, failing to identify the cause was a blow to her professional pride. Being a second-year fledgling doctor, I couldn’t fathom the depth of that wound.
And Helios just casually prodded that wound.
“You’re right. I was lacking.”
Although, Helios probably heard something more like ‘Right, I was slacking.’[1]
Our mentor was angry.
“Still, I can handle basic medical care. Rienna needs to concentrate on Lord Benz’s treatment, so please..”
“Am I disturbing you, Rienna?” Helios asked, resting the tip of his chin on my shoulder.
I shook my head and looked up at Helios.
Even if I pushed my head as far back as I could, Helios’s face was still in front of me. He opened his eyes wide, his ruby-like irises sparkling in the light. Seeing this big guy acting playfully like this…
So cute.
He gave off golden retriever vibes.
I’m sorry, Master Ebony.
“He’s not disturbing me, Master. I’m fine. I just need to ask Mr. Benz a few questions.”
Ebony disapproved of my special weakness for Helios. Doctors weren’t supposed to be showing favoritism towards their patients. No doubt she clicked her tongue and shook her head, but that didn’t deter me.
It’s about respecting me as Helios’s primary physician.
“Take care of yourself as well. I’ll be going now.”
After giving a slight bow, Ebony returned to the Health Ministry.
“Now…can I attend to the patient?”
Come to think of it, it had been a while since Benz took the antipyretic. Given that it was mixed with a strong analgesic, most of the pain should have subsided.
There’s only a faint trace of it now.
¹ Ebony said “맞습니다. 제가 부족했죠.” [Majseubnida. Jega bujoghaessjyo]. Rienna jokes that Helios mishears it as “므씁니다, 지가 브즉했즈.” [Meusseubnida, Jiga beujeughaessjeu.] They both acknowledge that Helios is right, but the latter is more cheeky and can be interpreted as hostile.↩