Welcome to the Rose Mansion - Chapter 137
It was on the day of the first snowfall of that year. It was also the first day since meeting Rose that Edgar did not come to the forest.
Rose felt a bit puzzled but waited patiently. One day, two days, three days passed.
Even when the next snow fell, Edgar did not appear. Rose left the tree stump where he usually spent time with Edgar and went to the edge of the forest.
From the forest’s edge, the Bertrand estate on the hill was clearly visible. With just a glance, Rose could immediately tell which room Edgar was staying in.
< I waited for the snow to fall, Edgar. >
Gazing quietly at Edgar’s room, Rose continued to wait. Another day, two days, three days passed.
The third snowfall came. Finally, Rose took a step out of the forest.
When he arrived at Edgar’s room, what greeted him was the sight of a boy whose face had turned deathly pale.
「 Rose? 」
Edgar’s eyes widened as he lifted himself from the bed.
「 I didn’t know you could come outside the forest. Did you come to see me? 」
< Edgar, the snow is falling. >
Rose said. Edgar looked out the window. Just as he said, large, fluffy snowflakes were falling heavily.
「 You’re right. It’s the third snowfall of this winter. 」
Edgar smiled faintly, then let out a light cough. Rose watched him quietly.
Clutching his chest, struggling against the cough that wracked his entire body, Edgar spoke in a weak voice.
「 I’m sorry. You’ve been waiting, haven’t you? I wanted to make a snowman with you when the first snow fell this year. But I wasn’t able to go outside. 」
< If that’s what you want, it’s not difficult. >
Rose waved his hand. In an instant, a small, cute snowman appeared on his palm.
When Rose handed it to Edgar, the boy laughed like a child.
「 It’s adorable. Even though it’s a snowman, it’s not cold. How strange. 」
< Do you like it? >
「 Yes. Thank you. 」
Edgar’s pale face flushed a little. Pleased by the sight, Rose waved his hand again.
A three-tiered snowman, a tall snowman, a plump snowman, a snowman bigger than Edgar, a snowman smaller than Edgar’s hand—snowmen of all shapes and sizes filled the boy’s room.
「 Amazing, Rose. 」
Edgar clapped his hands softly. Rose was delighted and began to let snow fall gently inside the room. Surrounded by snow crystals, Edgar looked so beautiful that he seemed like he might vanish at any moment.
「 The snow is warm. Rose, it’s just like you. 」
Edgar murmured as he watched the snowflakes disappear without a trace upon his hand. Then, suddenly, he bent over, seized by a violent coughing fit.
Thud. Red drops of blood, as crimson as Rose’s eyes, splattered onto the white bedsheets.
< Edgar. >
Rose came closer, wrapping his arms around Edgar’s shoulders and letting him lean against him. Edgar slumped, relaxing into the steady embrace.
「 It’s pneumonia. 」
< Pneumonia. >
「 Yes, I’ve never been very healthy, have I? It seems it’s gotten pretty serious this time. 」
Just as he said, Edgar’s life was slowly fading. Rose could sense it. He could tell that there wasn’t much time left to feel the warmth of Edgar’s body in his arms.
Rose gently stroked Edgar’s gaunt cheek. His drooping eyelids were shadowed by the unmistakable presence of death.
It was clear that soon, he would lose his Edgar forever.
His nonexistent heart ached with a cold, dull pain. Rose quickly reached a conclusion: he did not like this at all.
I’m tired of waiting for you.
< Edgar, I like you. >
「 I like you too, Rose. 」
Edgar responded with a faint smile. Rose thought to himself.
Then, how about you stay by my side forever?
Never separating, intertwined as if we were one, a single being, bound tightly, for a long time, eternally.
It was an appealing thought.
Rose knew. He knew that with just a wave of his hand, he could make Edgar completely healthy.
Yes. He could simply remove everything that caused the boy pain, take his bright, joyful hand, and leave for somewhere far away. Travel to different places with him, the boy who was always curious about the world.
It was a future as sweet and tempting as taking a big bite out of a piece of candy. But perhaps he had spent too much time with humans.
Suddenly, a new impulse sprouted within Rose’s heart. He wanted to test Edgar’s feelings.
Are you also torn apart with sorrow at the thought of parting with me? Do you also wish for an eternity with me?
He was filled with curiosity and anticipation. And so, Rose asked the question.
< Edgar. If I could grant you one wish, what would you wish for? >
It was a question better left unasked, both for himself and for Edgar.
< What would you wish for? >
Wish to live.
Wish to be with me.
Wish for eternity with me.
If you do, then I will give you the world in the palm of your hand.
Edgar quietly looked up at Rose’s red eyes. His lips curled into a soft smile.
「 If I had such a great opportunity, I would ask you to help my brother. 」
Rose’s hopes were shattered.