Welcome to the Rose Mansion - Chapter 21
Brand New Life
[To my proud friend Richelle, who has finally gained her freedom.
You fought with your mother and left home?
Hooray! Richelle Howard, hooray! You’ve finally found your freedom, Richelle!
Then there’s nothing more I can say. Well, the Otis family is one of the wealthiest and most prestigious in the kingdom, so that hefty contract fee isn’t surprising.
It’ll be okay. Besides, I believe our smart Richelle can do well wherever she is, whatever she does.
But still, it’s a pity we can’t go to Lynton together. It would have been fun. Enjoying the glamorous social season in the capital…
Ah, I didn’t want to say this but I can’t help it. You see, Richelle, I was actually planning to introduce you to a man this social season!
His name is Richard Herman, a young businessman who’s really a catch. It’s a bit of a shame he’s the second son, but he’s capable and stands to inherit a decent fortune.
And above all, he’s a dashingly handsome intellectual! Mr. Herman graduated from a prestigious university with excellent grades. He holds quite an important position in gatherings of intellectuals.
He’s been thinking about marriage, and when I asked him about his ideal type, guess what? He said he likes wise and proactive women, and it would be great if he could have good conversations with her.
My goodness, that’s totally you!
Our Richelle is the valedictorian of Harriet, incredibly smart to the point where teachers are amazed, and can memorize a ten-page long essay with just one glance. Who else but a genius like you could be a match for Mr. Herman?
So I talked about you. You should have seen the expression on Mr. Herman’s face then. He said he would be forever grateful if he could have the honor of meeting such a gem of a lady!
The two of you would be perfect together… If only the Otis family gave you a holiday. It’s such a shame.
I must write a letter right away. Fill me in on your life in Bertrand, and let me know what you think of Mr. Herman. If you’re interested, I’ll make sure to keep Mr. Herman single just for you. Trust me!
Anyway, congratulations again on your independence. I wish I could throw a celebration party, but sadly, you’re not here with me.
May the goddess of luck kiss my Richelle.
Tears through the night thinking of my dear friend,
Margaret Chester
P.S. I heard that the Otis family members are all incredibly beautiful, is that true? Have you met Earl Otis? What about Young Master Otis? I’m dying of curiosity. You must tell me everything!]
[To Mrs. Chester, who is passionate about matchmaking.
Dear Meg, thank you for your concern. But as you know, I have no plans to marry. So, please keep your kind intentions and I would suggest letting Mr. Herman be free.
Life at Bertrand is good. Perhaps because of their immense wealth, they’re very generous to their servants. I wish I could show you the room I’m using now. It has a wonderful view of the rose garden outside.
I haven’t met Earl Otis yet. I hear he seldom stays at Bertrand. But Madam Otis is very kind. She treats me very well. All the other servants are friendly too. The children are a bit mischievous but very cute. It seems I’ve been employed in a good place.
Well, it seems I won’t be able to meet you for the next year. It’s hard to leave the children and step away. Instead, I’ll write to you often. You won’t mind, will you?
And what else… Ah, you asked about the appearance of the Otis family.
It’s truly amazing.
Really. Madam Otis perfectly fits the definition of an ideal beauty, and the first son of the Otis family is like the owner of the ice castle from the fairy tales we used to enjoy as kids. The little twins I teach are like little angels, so adorable.
Moreover, the tutor of Alan Otis (the first son of the Otis family) is also incredibly handsome. I could hardly breathe when I first saw him.
Bertrand is a very interesting place. It’s filled with magnificent works of art that enrich my experience every day.
So don’t worry. I’m doing well here. I hope you also enjoy your newlywed life.
Let’s meet in good health after a year.
Adapting to a brand new life,
Richelle Howard]
Even after finishing her letter, Richelle couldn’t put her pen down for a while. The tip of the pen aimlessly wandered below the signature. But in the end, she wrote nothing more.
In truth, what she really wanted to say was something else.