Welcome to the Rose Mansion - Chapter 73
As the funeral came to an end, the sky grew ominous and it began to rain.
No one, including Richelle, was surprised by the expected bad weather. Black umbrellas popped open across the dark cemetery.
Richelle moved under the umbrellas, thanking and bidding farewell to each mourner. Though many expressed their concern for her pale complexion, she responded with only a faint smile.
She kept herself busy, moving constantly. She didn’t want to think. She was afraid of remembering her mother.
In her busy search for tasks, she suddenly found herself sitting in her mother’s living room.
“Take a rest now, Richelle.”
Her friend Margaret, who had stayed with her until the end, gently held Richelle’s hand. Her lovely blue eyes glistened with tears.
“You’re going to collapse like this.”
Richelle almost habitually said she was fine, but stopped herself, not wanting to see her friend’s gem-like tears fall. She nodded instead.
“I will. Thank you, Meg.”
“No need to thank me. Oh dear, what am I thinking? I should make you something delicious to eat. You haven’t eaten all day.”
“Hm? Wait a moment, my dear Meg. Are you saying you’re going to cook?”
“Yes, Robbie. Take good care of Richelle for me!”
Margaret headed to the kitchen with great determination. Joan, who had been anxiously watching, hurried after her.
“Wait, Miss Meg! What are you planning to make?”
“Well, maybe a warm stew? Or a quiche? But where are the eggs, Joan? Hmm? Is this the oven…?”
“Oh my, dear God. Oh my goodness.”
Even without looking, Richelle could picture Joan crossing herself in horror. Robert and Richelle shrugged at each other.
In the meantime, Anna brought in some warm tea.
“Miss, I’ll go do some cleaning.”
“Cleaning? I’ll help.”
“It’s my job! You should rest, Miss.”
Anna quickly left the living room. Soon, only Richelle and Robert Chester were left.
Robert raised and lowered one eyebrow.
“Well, my shoulders feel heavy. I’ve been entrusted with a very important task. Shall we start with some tea, my lady? Milk first? Tea first?”
“Tea first, please.”
“Got it.”
Robert leaned his muscular upper body forward and carefully poured the tea, his expression as serious as could be. Richelle watched him quietly.
Margaret’s husband, Robert Chester, was the head of the distinguished Chester family and a successful businessman.
Normally, Richelle wouldn’t have been able to speak to him so casually, but Robert, deeply in love with Margaret, treated Richelle without any formality. Whenever Richelle felt awkward, he reminded her that as Margaret’s close friend, she was like a sister to him, and she should feel comfortable around him.
Thanks to him, even the cautious Richelle could treat him like a jovial older cousin. Robert Chester was a good man. Richelle was truly glad that someone like him was Margaret’s husband. Watching the happy couple always warmed her heart.
Her parents, too, had once been as happy as this…
Lost in her thoughts, Richelle flinched. Robert was handing her a teacup.
“Oh, thank you.”
“Try it. Even Lady Chester is impressed by my tea-making skills.”
Robert took a hearty sip of his tea. Richelle also took a cautious sip. It was fragrant. Her tense heart began to soften a little.
“So, how are you feeling?”
It was a cautious question. Richelle looked at Robert. His sharp features were filled with concern.
“No, asking if you’re okay is pointless. Of course you’re having a hard time. But don’t try to handle everything alone. If you need anything, speak up, and don’t hesitate to express your grief. Meg and I are always ready to support you. Understand?”
“…Yes. Thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it! How about coming to Lynton with us? It’s not good to be alone at times like this. Keeping busy will help chase away the gloom.”
Robert gave her a thumbs-up. Richelle let out a small laugh. It was a tempting offer.
—You must return.
Alan Otis’s words weighed heavily on Richelle’s mind.