Welcome to the Rose Mansion - Chapter 82
Rogéros extended his hand to her. And, Richelle took it and stepped out of the carriage.
With a look of utter bliss, as if nothing could be more joyful, he kissed the back of her hand.
“I knew you would come back. I’m so glad to see you again.”
Richelle smiled back.
Tell me, Rogéros. Did you send the roses to my mother?
Did you turn her into something other than human and make her jump into the river?
It’s funny. I still hope it wasn’t you. You gave me the courage to move forward. You helped me so many times.
So why did you do it?
Why did you say you loved me? Why did you kill my mother? Did you think it was for my sake? What do you want from me?
Who are you, really?
But out of all these countless questions, there is not a single one I can ask right now.
I must be careful.
“Of course, I had to come back.”
A scream from deep within clawed at her heart, tearing it to pieces. But she smiled as if nothing were wrong.
“I have work to do at Bertrand.”
She hid her true feelings and intentions behind a calm face and voice.
Rogéros’ smile grew wider. He pulled Richelle towards the mansion, whispering happily.
“Let’s go, to our mansion. Everything is just as it was for you.”
Following him obediently, Richelle looked up at the mansion. A dark shadow was watching from a third-floor window.
Their eyes met, clear and blue as the sky.
Richelle did not avert her gaze. Instead, this time, she mouthed the words.
It seems we have a lot to talk about.
The boy’s eyes widened. Richelle straightened her head and stepped into the mansion.
Into the house of roses, overwhelmed by the scent of roses.
She dreamed.
It was a dream that came after a very long time, a dream where her father appeared. Mr. Howard sat on his daughter’s bed and smiled kindly.
—My little princess. Why are you crying?
—I don’t want to go to school.
Young Richelle, with the blanket pulled over her head, sniffled. Mr. Howard chuckled heartily.
—Why would our honor student princess say that? Is school not fun?
—The kids are bullying me.
—What? Who dares?
—Elizabeth Bertrand and her friends. They were teasing and bullying Margaret Allison, calling her a nouveau riche, so I told them to stop. Now they jeer at me whenever I pass by. The other day, they even put a frog in my locker.
—What awful children! You must be very upset, Richelle.
—Do you know what makes me even angrier? All the other kids are siding with Bertrand!
Unable to contain her anger, Richelle threw off the blanket and sat up.
—At first, I was annoyed. But now, I’m just sad. I don’t understand why I have to go through this.
—Hmm. Do you regret helping Allison?
—No. Never. I just did the right thing. The ones in the wrong are those who bullied their friend. Right?
—That’s right.
—Then why do I have to go through this? It feels like the whole world hates me. The other day, they poured ink on my homework. I worked so hard on it all night… The teacher hit me with her cane for not turning it in.
Tears welled up in Richelle’s eyes again. Mr. Howard gently stroked his daughter’s hair as she fought to hold back her tears.
—If you’re feeling hurt and upset, cry as much as you need until your heart feels better, Richelle.
—…Mom said crying when you’re upset is undignified.
—Crying isn’t a bad thing. Even Dad cries sometimes.
—Really. But Richelle, don’t stay in sadness for too long. The moment you sink too deeply into self-pity and sorrow, life becomes hell.
Mr. Howard’s touch gradually faded.
—Cry your heart out, get angry, and then shake it off. And move forward. Confidently. In the direction you believe is right.
His voice grew distant. Richelle’s eyes snapped open. The faint morning sunlight was filling the spacious room.
She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Her face was soaked with tears.
“Cry your heart out, get angry…”
And then, move in the direction I believe is right.
She got up and neatly arranged the blanket. She changed her clothes and tidied her hair.
Standing in front of the mirror, there was a slight trace of tension and fear on her face. But her clear, light green eyes shone brightly enough to dispel all darkness.
Richelle stood tall with her chest out. She had been dwelling in sorrow for far too long.
Now, it was time to move forward.

Gooo lil soldier girl