Welcome to the Rose Mansion - Chapter 89
“When those things roamed the mansion as if it were their own world… it was truly horrific. Servants crammed food into their mouths like madmen. Maids destroyed everything they touched. They frequently stabbed each other and committed all kinds of unspeakable acts.”
There was no way to reveal this to the outside world. Thus, the gates of Bertrand, once the center of high society, were firmly shut. The Otis family became trapped within the mansion.
Unable to accept reality, Lady Otis soon took her own life. Their only son lost his mind. Neil Otis intended to end the Otis family line with his son, but Rogéros wouldn’t allow it.
“Rogéros brought in the daughter of a poor noble family and forced her to marry Neil Otis’s son. They had a daughter, Charlotte Otis, who became the architect of the current Bertrand.”
According to the stories passed down, Rogéros oddly favored Charlotte. He personally took care of her and taught her, raising her to be an excellent successor.
Time passed, and on the day of Charlotte’s modest coming-of-age ceremony held at the mansion, Rogéros offered her a birthday wish. Charlotte wished to establish rules for Bertrand.
Surprisingly, Rogéros gladly granted her request.
“Thanks to those rules, the roses could no longer freely take over people’s bodies. Moreover, during the day, they suppressed their instincts and pretended to be ordinary servants.”
“Is that set of rules the Bertrand rules that I know of?”
“Probably. It was part of their agreement to inform every new servant about the rules.”
Thus, Bertrand could at least appear to be a normal mansion on the outside, though it was still horribly rotten inside.
“Charlotte Otis seemed to enjoy it. After that, Rogéros disguised himself as a tutor and continued to manage and educate the successors for generations. He secretly hired servants who wouldn’t be missed if they suddenly disappeared. All of them were quickly taken over by the roses.”
Having told the story up to this point, Alan fell silent. Cold sweat was running down his forehead.
“So, in conclusion… your mother was probably taken over by a rose sent by Rogéros.”
Her suspicion was confirmed. It was an utterly joyless truth.
Her mother had been killed by Rogéros. Before she fell into the river, she was already dead in a place no one knew.
Alone. Lonely.
Richelle hugged her shoulders. She couldn’t stop trembling.
“Why on earth would he do such a thing…?”
Roses that take over human bodies. A mysterious entity wielding unearthly power.
He confessed that he wanted to be with her. He said he could do anything for her.
After saying such sweet words, he took away the most precious person from her.
What should she do about Rogéros Walter?
What could she possibly do against such a nonsensical being?
What does he really want from her?
Richelle suddenly looked up. Alan was gazing at her with a dark, somber expression.
He closed his eyes tightly as if in anguish, then opened them and said something unimaginable.
“The reason Rogéros was particularly kind to you was to marry you to me.”
Richelle asked blankly. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard.
“I mean…”
Alan bit his lip and finally lowered his head, as if wanting to avoid this conversation.
“I rebelled against the idea of entering high society. To find a bride, they needed to present me in society, but I had no intention of continuing the Otis line. After that, Rogéros started bringing in governesses to the mansion. He selected women from decent families who had fallen on hard times and needed money.”
In other words, the twins’ governesses were candidates to become Alan Otis’s bride. It felt as if someone had messed up her head.
‘Marry me off?’
To Alan Otis?
“Out of all the governesses hired, Rogéros favored you the most. Probably because…”
With Alan’s continued explanation, Richelle had a sudden realization, as if struck by lightning.
That man played with me from the very beginning.
There was no meaning behind his kindness, his confession. It was all just to tame and deceive her as he wished.
‘I trusted you.’
I was grateful to you. I took courage for the first time in a long while and opened up to someone.
The betrayal she thought had reached its limit surged even higher, breaking through the ceiling. She wanted to scream, but it felt like her throat was blocked, and no sound came out.
Now she knew for sure why he had burdened himself with the task of ridding her mother.