When Your Secret Crush Wizard Took a Love Potion - Chapter 64
I was about to suggest using water magic to quench it, but someone else stepped in first.
“Do you want to drink mine?”
It was Alex. He was the most sociable of the mercenaries, so much so that even I knew his name despite having little interaction with the group. His clean-cut appearance also made him popular among the opposite s*x.
“Thank you.”
The maid responded with a bright smile as she accepted the canteen. Observing her smile, those who had been glancing over at us since earlier lowered their heads in dejection. It seemed there was an intense competition going on beneath the surface that I wasn’t aware of.
“It must be quite a challenge for someone as delicate as you. If you’re struggling, just let me know. I’ll help as much as I can.”
Alex, now basking in a sense of triumph, continued to chatter on without being asked, sticking close by. While his words were considerate, Angel Runport, who maintained a constant bright smile, looked as if she might not even be listening.
I realized, through this experience, that while humans have a far more intricate society and culture than beasts, they can revert to a primitive, almost animalistic state when it comes to matters of romance. It was astonishingly simple.
“Chloe, are you thirsty too?”
Noticing my glance, Edgar came closer as soon as the procession halted and tilted his head.
“Well, my canteen is empty right now.”
“It’s fine. I’ll give you this. It should help with your thirst.”
“I’m really okay, though.”
And the man who seemed ready to unfasten his pants at any moment was undoubtedly among the least intelligent of animals.
“That guy is playing games with people again.”
A faint grumble brushed past my ear. Olio, observing the situation with a face that seemed to be watching someone proudly flaunting their feathers like a peacock, had a rather complex expression. It was as if he was viewing a deceitful wolf donning a sheep’s skin and entering the barn.
“Why is everyone gathered here?”
As everyone was taking their break, the mercenary captain returned, surveying the surroundings.
“We’re almost at the entrance of the Mistwood Forest. If we keep up this pace, we should arrive before lunch, so hang in there a little longer!”
Riding horses inevitably means inhaling dust. Marca, who had been shouting loudly so everyone could hear, swallowed a dry gulp, perhaps due to a parched throat. It was a brief moment, but Angel, who hadn’t missed it, approached her.
“You might damage your throat. If it’s okay, you can have some of my water.”
“Is that alright?”
“Of course! Please!”
The canteen, which had originally lost its owner, was passed to Marca. Angel, who watched the mercenary captain drink eagerly with her head tilted back, appeared quite bashful, yet she kept a close eye on her, even observing her wiping her wet lips with her tongue.
It was an unusually direct gaze for someone just observing.
“Thanks to you, I drank well. I appreciate it.”
“Oh, yes….”
When Alex received the empty canteen back from the maid, his face looked quite forlorn.
* * *
Aside from the tangled mess of romantic entanglements, the journey was smooth. With the added momentum from acquiring horses, our group arrived at the destination well before noon, just as Marca had mentioned.
“We’ve finally arrived.”
We stood at the entrance, where lush leaves created a canopy that replaced the warm sunlight with a misty, damp fog.
The Mistwood Forest, which was rumored to be plagued by menacing monsters and mysterious disappearances, was far more enchanting than anticipated. Though it was dim, the faint mist spread across the forest gave it a unique charm distinct from the sunny clearings.
Aside from the occasional startled young lord who would jump at a fallen caterpillar or bug from the leaves, the atmosphere was quite peaceful.
“What’s wrong?”
But, of course, events tend to unfold in such moments.
“I… I keep feeling like someone is watching us.”
At first, I thought it was just a figment of my imagination. When I turned around to check the bushes behind us, there was nothing there. Yet, for some reason, an inexplicable instinct was sounding alarm bells, making me feel as though we were being watched by unknown entities.
“That’s to be expected.”
Angel pointed out Edgar, who had been staring at me without blinking once since earlier, with a slight touch of her fingers.